
14 New Year’s Resolution Tweets That Should Leave You Laughing


It’s a brand-new year, so you know what that means…resolutions that we’re gonna stick to for maybe a week or so and then completely forget about!

Hey, don’t be too hard on yourself…it’s the way it goes.

Here are some tweets about New Year’s resolutions that I think will look very familiar to a lot of you…

1. Dammit…


2. Two sides of the coin.


3. Me, too.

4. That didn’t last long.

5. That sounds familiar…

6. I think that’s possible.

7. You can do it!


8. No more of that.

9. Good luck to you.


10. Hmmmm…might happen?

11. Still no ass?


12. Just don’t think. Ever.

13. You might be the only one.

14. Nice and wholesome.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions?

Even if you’ve already broken them, share them with us in the comments!