As a proud American, I can also safely say that our government does A LOT of shady and messed up things around the world and has for many, many years.
Obviously, I’m not singling out the USA, as it’s clear that many other countries do awful things as well in the name of power.
Hey, the world is complicated and dangerous.
AskReddit users shared their thoughts on this interesting subject.
1. Scary stuff.
“Back in the 50’s and 60’s, the US military tested several different biological weapons on and unbeknownst to the public.
They specifically targeted low income and poverty-stricken areas.
They tested things from chemicals to viruses.
It wasn’t declassified till 10 years ago.”
2. Radioactive materials.
“They also sprayed carcinogens, nerve agents, and radioactive materials over US and Canadian cities.”
3. Never heard of this before.
“The CIA testing birth control on unsuspecting women in Puerto Rico.”
4. A lost chapter.
Along the lines / same ethics of the Japanese internment camps, but not as well known.”
5. The Ludlow Massacre.
“I mean, there was the time the national guard shot and killed coal miners and their families who were being horribly exploited by coal companies so they were striking.
See also: the Ludlow massacre.”
6. Regime change.
“The involvement in various Latin American countries during the Cold War was pretty fucked up”
7. All kinds of terrible things.
“Iran-contra, support of guerrilla warfare, Allende assassination, the complicity with South American totalitarian regimes in the Desaparecidos slaughter (aka Operación Cóndor), support of Noriega just to mention a few.
Basically the role of the US government has been pivotal in fucking up Latin America’s social and economic fabric.”
8. Did it really happen?
“Roswell, 1947.
Let’s say that myth about aliens anally probing us is purely projection.”
9. Deadly affairs.
“Agent Orange , depleted uranium Arms that polluted battlefields (people’s homelands) and left generations of people with birth defects after the war was “done”.”
10. Didn’t even know about it.
“The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.
I worked in a library years ago and while I was putting books back, I read a spine with an interesting title. I picked up the book and started reading it. THAT is how I found out about Tuskegee. It was never mentioned in school, if I hadn’t been reading spines I literally wouldn’t even know it was a thing.”
11. This is a crazy story.
“The silencing, embarrassing, and killing of Gary Webb.
Gary Webb was an investigative journalist who proved that the CIA was selling massive amounts of drugs (particularly cocaine) to (typically black) poor neighborhoods all over the US. This was in order to fund an overthrow of the Nicaraguan government by US-friendly terrorists during the 90’s.
He was forced to resign, disgraced, blacklisted, divorced, and found dead with two bullets through his head in 2004. It was ruled a suicide despite the facts he owned no guns, and it being two bullets through the head in a suicide.”
12. Operation Northwoods.
“Operation Northwoods.
This was a proposed false flag attack on US soil that would justify going to war with Cuba. It was rejected by Kennedy, but approved by every man before him.
It’s stuff like this that makes the whole 9/11 inside job conspiracy sound a little less wacky, because this was essentially the same thing.”
13. Back in 1968…
“The Diego Garcia incident in the 1968, which is also one of the worst things the UK government has done. For the UK to continue purchasing nuclear missiles from America, they asked to rent out the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean to use as a naval base.
The UK then subsequently sent soldiers onto the island, forced all of the inhabitants off of the island, destroyed all homes and killed all the animals so US soldiers could then turn the island into a naval base. Any ex inhabitants who tried to speak out about the incident were immediately silenced and punished, and the details of the incident were only recently made public.
The island is still a joint UK/US naval base to this day.”
14. Shady business.
“Before and after the cold war! If you look at the averages, were involved with a Latin American coup almost every 2 years for 100 years!
And there’s a Spanish language college in Georgia called the school of the americas where we trained future military dictators and death squad leaders.
The dictator of Argentina and the head of the tonton malcute death squad in Haiti to name two.”
Some very interesting responses…
What do you think?
In the comments tell us about the things the American government has done that you think is totally shady or scandalous.
Please and thank you!