
14 People Who Received Satisfying, Instant Karma

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s not that we want to see people hurt, or see people struggle, per se, but human beings do have an innate sense of justice. Of right and wrong, deep down in our cores, and well, when someone has been getting away with things for too long, we do sort of long to see their get their due.

Which is probably why the subreddit dubbed “Instant Karma” is so popular.

There’s no harm in looking and laughing, and I’m sure everyone involved is fine, now – and hopefully, they’ve learned their lesson.

14. Wasn’t this a movie?

Or a book? Either way…totally believe it.

Goodbye, monster
by ininstantkarma

13. I mean…you can’t argue with yourself.

Or God, sir.

Well this says something
byu/usernametakenexe ininstantkarma

12. Oh man, that is a bad moment.

Or a really good one, depending on which side of the table you’re on.

I love Karma 😌
byu/About137Ninjas ininstantkarma

11. This is why we need gun control.

Not for the armadillos; they’re fine. It’s for the idiots.

byu/jmonis2 ininstantkarma

10. No one is going to blame that dog.

Give him a medal, I say.

Got what was coming
by ininstantkarma

9. Only THEY get to kill rhinos.

Talk about learning a lesson the hard way.

Got what they deserved
byu/Amygdala5822 ininstantkarma

8. Sometimes karma is good.

She’s an equal opportunity giver.


7. A hero for our times.

Sometimes they don’t wear capes, they wear hipster glasses.

Kid refuses to move his legs, guy sits on them instead
by ininstantkarma

6. Don’t don’t forget my friend.

Especially when it smells like abusive a$shole.

Got what he deserved
byu/Zbiu_YT ininstantkarma

5. This is just…*chef’s kiss*

I could not write a more perfect moment.

Amazing. Impeccable.
byu/tinyzenji ininstantkarma

4. The elephant got the last laugh.

But I am sorry it had to die first.

Rip him
byu/uhhsamurai ininstantkarma

3. Do the police even arrest this guy?

And if so, is it just for being stupid?

Instant karma
byu/FaustinoXIV ininstantkarma

2. She’s so proud of herself.

As she should be!

Just mad I tell you.
byu/PizzaPow ininstantkarma

1. Being polite pays, my friends.

Sometimes in cold hard cash.

I mean. You have to admit that reading through these gave you a certain amount of satisfaction, right?

Have you ever watched karma take her due right before your eyes? Tell us your best stories inthe comments!