For me, one of the best things about life is how there is always something new to learn. No matter how smart you are, no matter how many years of school or decades on the job, life always has secrets to give up if you’re willing to look.
If that kind of thing intrigues you, check out this list – because at least a few of these 14 things totally surprised me.
14. That would be a lot harder to lose.
But I’m guessing also more expensive to print.
My grandfather’s metal Social Security Card
byu/GratuitousFisherman inmildlyinteresting
13. Aaron Paul was once a contestant on The Price is Right.
I am now off to Google whether or not (and what) he won.
Before Breaking Bad, Aaron Paul was a contestant on The Price Is Right
byu/mikeyv683 ininterestingasfuck
12. Were there any other chips in the bag?
If they go by weight, I’m guessing not many.
Found this behemoth of a chip in my bag of Takis Waves (first time trying it…)
byu/Low-Selection4894 inmildlyinteresting
11. It takes a lot of wires to make a plane work.
Or even just the wheels, I guess?
The inside of a Boeing 737’s wheel bay.
byu/Varaskana inmildlyinteresting
10. Some people just can’t leave childhood behind.
I bet her parents were secretly delighted by this.
At 24 years old, I got my last surviving baby tooth removed.
by inmildlyinteresting
9. So you can’t catch anyone unawares.
This is 100% brilliant.
The cookies we bought come with an edible sticker warning that it contains THC
byu/lainwla16 inmildlyinteresting
8. Not all McDonald’s have golden arches.
Kids who live there must be so confused.
There is a single McDonald’s in the world where the arches are blue instead of yellow. It’s in Arizona, and it has been made this way to avoid contrast with the red cliffs in the background
byu/Shiva_Lord ininterestingasfuck
7. I want to say this is cool…
But that’s a pretty terrible pun.
This bar has a chilled strip to keep your drinks cold
byu/kr5228 inmildlyinteresting
6. How much technology has improved.
We have come so far so fast.
The first image of Jupiter vs the James Webb photo
byu/SWowwTittybang ininterestingasfuck
5. Even the federal government messes up.
Of course, their computers are woefully out of date.
Costumer handed me this misprinted dollar bill as a tip today
by inmildlyinteresting
4. This makes me feel unsafe.
Couldn’t that just crumble in at any moment?
What the underside of a highway pothole looks like.
byu/trunky inmildlyinteresting
3. Not even that could make grandma turn on the air conditioning.
It was a different time, and candles are cheaper than energy.
It got so hot in my grandma’s house that the candles melted
byu/mrclover60869 inmildlyinteresting
2. I’m surprised these aren’t in higher demand.
There are more than a few people who could put them to good use.
I found a pair of antipaparazzi pants at the thrift store
byu/penededios inmildlyinteresting
1. This is a tarantula hawk.
Apparently, it’s sting is one of the most painful on earth.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed
I mean, even if you knew some of this, it’s still wild to see, right?
What has surprised you recently? Tell us about it in the comments!