
12 People Shared Their Biggest Regrets From High School

I think my biggest high school regret is that I was WAYYYY too shy around girls.

And I probably missed out on going out on some dates with some females who were cool.

Oh well, it is what it is, right?

But still…every once in a while I think about what I could have done differently.

What’s your biggest high school regret?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts.

1. Who cares?

“Caring what people thought about me.

This is why I was never interested in traveling back to go to a high school reunion.

So pointless.”

2. Scared.

“Fear ruled my life, I still struggle but at least I’m medicated now.

Back then my family looked down on mental health meds so I didn’t get what I needed.

Still, if I just fought the fear, my life would’ve been so much better.”

3. It pays to be nice.

“Not talking to more people.

You kind of go through assuming other people don’t want to talk to you. Little do you know they think the same thing.

I wish I was just nicer and more open to everyone.”

4. Missed out.

“Never dated in high school and have no lasting friendships from before college.

It’s fine now as an adult but I feel I really missed out on an import part of growing up.”

5. It’s only temporary.

“Not understanding that it was just temporary.

The toxic behaviour of other students, the bullying, the fake friends and stresses imagined.

In the end, it was four years of my life and I let it impact me more than I ever should have.”

6. Unhealthy.

“Falling in with an unhealthy friend group.

They were controlling and possessive, and I ended up isolating myself from other, possibly healthier, friendships.

I was always warned about ab**ive romantic relationships. I didn’t realize friendships could be a**sive as well.”

7. Antisocial.

“Not dating & socialising.

Inever wanted anything to do with anyone, as much as people tried.

I missed out on basic experiences which didn’t bother me back then but now I’m like I wish I did more high school kid things.”

8. Not involved.

“I wish I would’ve joined the school paper or something.

I moved a lot, rarely joined extra curriculars..but I wish I would have.

That probably would’ve helped my social situation.”

9. Didn’t even know it.

“Not realizing what a hottie I was.

My self esteem was awful back then.”

10. Drop out.

“Not finishing school and dropping out.

Although I had no direction or any parental care at the time and was depressed.

I did get my GED and i’m in my final year of getting a bachelors in computer science. Not bad for a high school drop out.”

11. Juvenile delinquent.

“I racked up a healthy rap sheet as a teen.

Fights, underage drinking, shoplifting, selling pot, a DUI in a stolen car etc.”

12. Could’ve been a playboy.

“Girls were all over me and I just didn’t realize it.

Once a girl I didn’t even really know kissed me out of the blue, and instead of making a move I was confused for days.

Man, I wish I could experience that time again being a little smarter on girl things.

Do you have any big regrets from high school?

If so, tell us all about them in the comments.

Thanks a lot!