There are tweets out there for every day, every mood, every whim, and literally every person on the planet. Depending on what you’re jonesing for, you should be able to find it.
And if you’re looking for some quirky folks who are just a bit off – maybe in the same way you are – check out these 14 quick tweets.
14. I can see that.
It’s the worst thing you can imagine.

Image Credit: Imgur
13. Why not the dog is a person.
I’m sure it thinks so, too.

Image Credit: Imgur
12. I don’t think it sounds like fun at all.
*crosses self*

Image Credit: Imgur
11. That second tweet slayed me.
The first one is just true.

Image Credit: Imgur
10. It’s important information.
I would personally want to know that.

Image Credit: Imgur
9. Confidence is key, people.
Even if it comes from an infant.

Image Credit: Imgur
8. And that’s how she got fired.
Or a raise, it’s hard to say.

Image Credit: Imgur
7. If you want to get all existential about it.
Sometimes you can’t help it.

Image Credit: Imgur
6. If he only would have listened.
Have some self control, man!

Image Credit: Imgur
5. Stop calling me out in my living room!
It’s the last safe space I have left.

Image Credit: Imgur
4. This is just hilarious.
I dare you not to laugh.

Image Credit: Imgur
3. I fail to see the problem.
My kids never let me nap that early, though.

Image Credit: Imgur
2. What else is new?
Even their Twitter account is tripping.

Image Credit: Imgur
1. This is awkward.
I’m sure he’ll be fine.

Image Credit: Imgur
See what I mean? Quirky!
Which of these made you chuckle and shake your head? It was more than one for me!