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Karens are everywhere you look these days. These women are always right and they always insist that their time, energy and money is more valuable than everyone else’s.
Looking for a good laugh? Here are 14 times people truly embraced their inner Karen.
1. Karen Bingo
We have a winner! She’s the worst!
2. Churchy Karen
Just calm down lady. We don’t need to hear the church bells. The bird, though? Okay.
Karen sends an email to 18 different neighborhoods to complain about power tool usage on a Sunday morning.
byu/xnml23 inFuckYouKaren
3. Makeup Karen
Karens are the reason we have multi-level marketing schemes today.
Coworker found an actual Karen in the wild driving her MLM car!
byu/i8pineapples inFuckYouKaren
4. Soup Karen
It’s fake, Karen. Christ on a fake cracker.
5. Karen Thief
Just go to TJ Maxx already, Karen. It’s like $10. Bring it back, dummy!
6. Karens Who Care
OK, for once Karen is being cool. And hilarious. Good job Karen!
7. Surprised Karen
Seen out in the wild. Should go back into hiding, tbh.
The moment after Karen gets some knowledge slapped right into her racist privileged face.
byu/gerrysaint33 inFuckYouKaren
8. Karen Clash is Karenilarious!
Now that’s something we’d pay to see! Legendary indeed!
9. Textbook Karen
Seriously textbook Karen behavior… even when it’s a dude.
Non-mask wearing Karen shaming me for not wearing a mask
by inFuckYouKaren
10. Karen Got Served
But not in this restaurant. Not served there.
First post here, I saw this sign at a local BBQ joint and had to stop and snap a pic
byu/danger-ranger420 inFuckYouKaren
11. Karen Karma
You had it comin’, Karen! Don’t @ me!
12. Karen Tries to be Hip
You bought it on yourself, Karen.
Don’t put the sign up then if you get so annoyed by people honking!! 🙄
by inFuckYouKaren
13. Karen’s Kids
Yep, looks about right. Nailed the haircut.
14. Karen Calls Customer Service
Just an absolutely classic tale of Karens being Karens.
Could these Karens be any more Karen-y if they tried? I mean seriously, come on Karens. You can’t really out-Karen yourself anymore than this. There’s so much Karen in here, it hurts.
Let us know when you’ve encountered a Karen in the wild. Do that in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!