
20 Hilarious ‘I Guess I Own a Cat Now’ Moments

Photo Credit: Pexels

People go to shelters to adopt dogs all the time. They pop into pet stores and come home with fish, hamsters, turtles, or any number of small animals to reside in smelly cages no one wants to clean. But if you have a cat, there’s at least a 50% chance that the cat adopted you, not the other way around.

If you’re one of these 20 people, you didn’t even know you had a cat until it showed up in your bathtub. Or something.

20. “There has been a stray cat outside my house since summer. Today we decided to let him inside to stay warm, and a few hours later we found him like this!”

Photo Credit: Reddit, LoganMichael3

You decided to let him inside. That’s like signing a letter of intent, and I’m afraid it’s legally binding.

19. “Came home to this. I don’t own a cat.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, P3rc0sk1


18. “Got home from work and fell asleep. Woke up with this guy on my lap. I don’t have a cat.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, CDupree1

Okay, this would freak me out.

17. “Considering that I don’t own a cat, I was surprised when I heard a weird sound on the car porch and noticed them.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, Cobarde

Congratulations, it’s sextuplets!

16. “My boyfriend was working on his scooter outside with the door open all day and came in to find this fellow. We don’t own a cat.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, memento-muffins

You don’t own that beanbag chair anymore, either.

15. “My parents started feeding a stray kitten a few weeks ago. This was on their front porch today.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, Big Wanker

We hear you have food?

14.”Was woken up at 2:45 this morning by this asshole. I don’t own a cat. Is this how you get a cat?”

Photo Credit: Reddit, About9Bushmen

Yes, but seeing as this one is wearing a collar, you might be allowed to get away with shared custody.

13. “Finished painting the kitchen, went to sit down, and found this. Nothing too strange, except the fact that I don’t have a cat.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, yelnats87

Ghost cat. 100%.

12. “I guess I have a new cat. This guy walked in my front door and made himself at home.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, AnaliseMarie

I love how they just accept it like, ‘yep. I own this m’f’er now.’

11. “I don’t own a cat…”

Photo Credit: Reddit, BustyCharms

You still don’t. And now you don’t own that handbag, either.

10. “Woke up this morning to this…”

Photo Credit: Reddit, Queen Riotness

I think someone’s Cat Lady Starter Kit got delivered to your house.

9. “Came home. This is not my cat. We were both surprised.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Uh, it wasn’t me that trashed the counter, I swear.

8. “So, I just woke up at 4:45am with a nonstop meowing noise. Open my apartment door and this little guy came running in. Should I keep him?”

Photo Credit: Reddit, Mewow

Um. Yes.

7. “My dad just sent me this picture from our bathroom. We don’t own a cat.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, Straight_Panda

The look on that cat’s face slightly concerns me. Like he was doing some kind of back alley deal in the towels and you’re going to have to die now because you saw him.

6. “I do not own a cat.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, ilorah

It looks like the beginning of a horror movie.

5. “So I walked into the kitchen at 5:30am and saw this in the sink…This is not my cat.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, Imdrobvious

That’s what you think.

4. “So, I came home to this…I don’t own a cat.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, CodyJarrell

…but you do own a Caiman?

3. “He jumped in my car and wouldn’t let me leave without him. I don’t own a cat. Is this how you get a cat?”

Photo Credit: Reddit, AfroCircuit

Yes. And it’s also how a cat gets a chauffeur.

2. “I don’t have a cat.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, I_LIVE_ON_THE_SUN

There is some serious eye-balling going on. I’m guessing the cat is thinking “I don’t have a human…”

1. “Found this little guy squeaking in my backyard.”

Photo Credit: Reddit, Imnastee

This is definitely how you get a cat. Who could say no to that face?

(h/t: Bored Panda)

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