Hey, parenting is a tough gig, right? You try to do your best for those little monsters but sometimes you just gotta do YOU.
None of these folks are in the running for ‘Parent of the Year’ and if these look familiar, you probably aren’t either.
1. Do what you gotta do
2. Might’ve overdone it
3. Earmuffs
4. When you’re in jail…
6. Major headache
7. Might want to listen in
8. Not cool
9. That’s why
10. Which one is worse?
Don’t know what’s worse
1) My 8yo called me upstairs to bring him a towel that was two feet away from him
2) I did it— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) March 22, 2018
11. Ugh
12. Pray they don’t notice
13. Sure…
14. It’s over
15. Flip ’em the bird
Maybe shoot for 2020 ‘Parent of the Year’?
Something to strive for…