7. He will pay dearly
Is this guy in for a rough night or what? I wonder what he did to monumentally piss off the staff at this Thai restaurant…
This is one of those instances when I really wish we had a before and after photo, don’t you? Poor fella, let’s hope he made it out without too much damage.
8. Dad for the win
This is what solid humor is all about: funny, not too offensive, and wholesome. Get this guy a writing job (or maybe a spot in an improv group?).
9. Funny and infuriating
If this happens to you over the course of a really bad day, it has the potential to send you over the edge, am I right? Although it may seem insignificant, the old “kitchen drawer won’t open” bit has led to more broken dishes and glasses than anything else throughout history. This is a scientific fact. Look it up.
10. Looks legit
It’s the place you go for…doctor stuff. If you did have a medical emergency, would you rush on over to this joint? Seems a little sketchy to me. Like a bar that’s just called “Bar.” What kind of clientele do you think you’re gonna run into there? Probably won’t end well.