11. Might need a reshoot

Photo Credit: Reddit
Poor young lady. This photo is going to follow her around for the rest of her life. Whenever she wants to show off her cool passport stamps from exotic places, she’ll either have to, 1: grin and bear it and deal with the blowback from people seeing this monstrosity of a picture, or 2:, quickly flip past the first page and hope for the best. Godspeed.
12. Scandalous!

Photo Credit: Reddit
This is really something else. Almost too horribly unimaginable to even process. Do they think is some kind of game? SMHF (forever).
13. I like this guy

Photo Credit: Reddit
Next time you’re face-to-face with a really tall person, remember this. It’s a valuable life lesson. Especially the comment “is the weather nice up there?” It really needs to go. Can we all agree on that here and now? Thank you.
14. Currently every couple on TV

Photo Credit: Reddit
This one really speaks to me. I feel like every time I watch one of these shows, the people have part-time jobs (or no jobs, they’re “in between gigs”) and their budget exceeds what I will make in the next 30 years.
“We’re looking for a 6-bedroom, 5 bath that overlooks the Pacific and has gold-plated toilet paper rolls. Our budget is $4.8 million, but we could go to 7.5 if we find something we can’t pass up.”