
15 Tweets And Photos That Will Make You Feel Old


Yeesh… we are getting OLD. My bones are creakin’ more in the morning, and all these young whippersnappers make me feel like I need to start checking out nursing sooner rather than later.

These tweets aren’t helping matters much – I have a feeling they’re gonna affect you the same way they affected me: they’ll make you feel ANCIENT.

1. Time’s up

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. It was thrilling

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Old as SH*T

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. That’s a very telling sign…

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. And here we are

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Back in my day…

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. 1955? SMH…

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. I remember it well

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. That is not good

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

11. How does this work?

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Gen Z

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. What could it be?

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Not exactly

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Were they ever wrong?

Photo Credit: Twitter

Well… it’s 2:30. Time for my nap… ::sigh::