
16 Bizarre Roommate Stories That Will Make You Happy To Live Alone

There are good things about living with other people, but I don’t know – there’s also something great about living alone. There’s no one to tell you what to do, no one to make messes they don’t clean up, and no one to blame if something goes wrong.

There’s also no one to sleep with if you’ve watched one too many true crime documentaries that day.

That said, hearing these totally bizarre roommate stories just might tip the scales…because some of them might even be as scary as those aforementioned documentaries.

16. That’s probably not going to work out.

So much unpacked xenophobia there.

Image Credit: The Chive

15. I’m sorry, how is he a doctor now?

I hope he’s not like, a nutritionist.

Image Credit: The Chive

14. Does he really have a reason to be mad?

I guess you don’t need a reason.

Image Credit: The Chive

13. That is unacceptable.

I think I would be out after the first incident, to be honest.

Image Credit: The Chive

12. There is no winner here.

Only losers with spaghetti over their beds.

Image Credit: The Chive

11. Nope. I don’t like that at all.

Why would you SAY this to someone?

Image Credit: The Chive

10. Definitely a weird quirk.

How about just don’t touch my stuff?

Image Credit: The Chive

9. His wife is going to have a rude awakening one day.

Because that’s something you can’t see coming.

Image Credit: The Chive

8. Bless.

That would be super cool, though. As long as you’re not there.

Image Credit: The Chive

7. She’s looking for a fight.

You don’t mess with a person’s sandwich.

Image Credit: The Chive

6. That’s a whole lot of nope.

Get the heck out immediately.

Image Credit: The Chive

5. Yes. Weird smelling pee.

A vegetable you can sword fight your siblings with.

Image Credit: The Chive

4. That’s a dad’s job.

Definitely not mine.

Image Credit: The Chive

3. I knew it was a cat.

Or at least I hoped.

Image Credit: The Chive

2. Hey, the floors were clean.

What more do you want?

Image Credit: The Chive

1. They only get weirder with time.

Remember that.

Image Credit: The Chive

Yeah, I don’t know, y’all. Sometimes I would kill just to be alone in my house.

Do you prefer living alone or with someone else? Tell us which and why in the comments!