
16 Hilarious Mock Movie Mash-ups We Can Only Dream Will Come True

I often wonder how people come up with plots for movies, and think, gosh, there can’t be too many more things once can write about. I’m wrong! All you need to do is cross some movies together and you are bound to have a blockbuster on your hands.

Reddit asked it’s users for some suggestions. If some of these 16 options are not produced then someone really dropped the ball.

1. Mamma ain’t coming

Mamma Mia! + Sophie’s Choice: “I invited my three possible dads to my wedding, and I had to decide which two would die and which one would live”

2. Yes

Men In Black Hitch

Will Smith runs a dating service for aliens in Manhattan. Hilarity ensues.

3. YES


4. Kinda like Space Jam?

Big Miracle in Little China

Jack Burton coaches the U.S. hockey team against a team of ancient Chinese demons for the gold medal at the 1980 Winter Olympics.

5. Merry Christmas

Jingle all the terminator way

6. True Love

The Brokeback Knight

The Joker mends Batman after Bane’s attack and they form a hidden bond.

7. You and everyone else

Ten Things I Hate About The Dark Knight

8. I would watch this

A Series of Unfortunate Sucker Punches

Violet Baudelaire is institutionalized in a devious plot by Count Olaf and must fight through her trauma to rescue her siblings…

9. Spoiler

Die Hard and the Sixth Sense. John McClane was a ghost the whole time

10. All for education’s sake

The Matrix and Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.

Bill and Ted discover that they are living in a computer simulation, and must travel outside the simulation to complete a school project!


11. Wilson!!!

Saving Private Castaway

A PT boat and crew are sent to search all the nearby islands looking for Private Ryan who was lost at sea when a storm wrecked his troop transport.

12. This could be interesting

Mrs Doubtfire and One Hour Photo

Robin Williams plays a person who stalks children and surreptitiously inserts himself into their family lives against the wishes of their mother

13. Sequel

If you combine Clint Eastwood’s A Fistful of Dollars and Space Cowboys, you get the sequel to Brokeback Mountain, A Fistful of Cowboys.

14. Triple Time

Shutter Island and Inception and Wolf of Wall Street (if three movies is acceptable)

Leonardo DiCaprio’s wall street persona experiences multiple levels of dreaming, with one being his existence on Shutter Island, which is how his mind copes with him being an absolute asshat on Wall Street.

15. Dinos

Jurassic World and Guardians of the Galaxy

Dinosaurs in space. I would watch that every day.

16. Interesting

Star Wars and Pulp Fiction. “SAY WHAT AGAIN PALPATINE!”

Those were pretty funny, yeah?

Definitely let us know what mashups would really make you laugh.

Do that in the comments!