
16 People Muse On What Living Thing They Would Create If They Could

Have you ever sat back and imagined what you would create if you could bring anything into existence just by thinking about it? On a whim, you could just blink and, I don’t know, combine a lemur and raccoon just for fun…so why not?

If you’ve never played this game before, get ready for some creative fun – and these 16 people are leading by example with their weird and wonderful ideas.

16. Chaotic neutral.


Phase 1: create gnomes

Phase 2: steal all the underpants in town.

Phase 3: profit

15. You could pick an animal that was easier to manage.

A money s**tting kangaroo

14. We just want them to know what it’s like.

A cat for cats, that way my cat can live the “stop meowing there’s still food on your bowl” experience from my side.

EDIT: TIL about whiskers fatigue, thank you all for your concern, fortunately (or unfortunately) my cats yell at me whether they eat from a bowl or plate, they love the attention.

13. Wouldn’t that be useful.

Garbage gobbler that eats all of our garbage.

Mmm, trash!

12. And no one is sorry.

This is clearly how the platypus happened.

11. Some people just want to watch the world burn.


That will create more deaths than any other creature combined…

10. So would my 4yo.

I’d create Yoshi.

Brrrring HA!

9. We must have it.

The cat-sized giraffe from that old DirecTV commercial. Never have I ever seen something entirely unobtainable and wanted it so badly.

8. Everyone’s a comedian.

A dogerpillar, to chase after the caterpillars.

7. OK now I need one.

Puppy sized elephants.

Imagine the cute little honks.

6. Very clever.

Shapeshifters, cause then it can be whatever you want.

They reply, “ You realize they will be sentient right?”

5. Some people sure are using this power for the greater good.

A creature that ate carbon dioxide and crapped out bricks of carbon and exhaled oxygen at higher metabolic rate than trees do.

4. Why algae though?

Algae that is able to breakdown plastic but can survive on other stuff too.

Make them live on polychlorinated biphenyls and carbon dioxide, too.

The first are a HUGE problem for marine mammals, especially orcas since they are apex predators. It’s said that their now massive infant mortality connects to them, because PCBs are fat soluble and basically poison their mothers milk.

3. Genies sound like a bad idea.

A creature that grants me additional wishes.

There is always a rule that you can’t wish for more wishes, but I’ve never seen anything against just wishing for another lamp with a genie in it.

2. Cute but dangerous.

Fire ferrets from Legend of Korra. They’re like a cross between ferrets and red pandas.

If a bunch of us get together to create avatar animals, I call dibs on the turtle duck.

1. We could use more bees.

murder bees, 3x the size and they hunt murder hornets

I could come up with a whole list of these, I think, if I had the time.

What would you create out of thin air if you could? Drop it on us in the comments!