
16 People Weigh In On The Craziest Stories On Reddit

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t enjoy sifting through a few AITA posts here and there. It’s nice to know that you’re not a terrible person, for one – or at least, there are worse people out there – and let’s face it, human beings just love to sit in judgement of each other.

These 16 people read the forum religiously, and so they’ve got a breadth of knowledge to pull from – and they think these dudes are the worst of the worst.

16. I hate this so much.

The guy who inherited a business from his dad and fired an employee who’d been there since he was in diapers because her sister called her in sick when she was catatonic with grief three days after her husband died. Employees must call in in person! He’s tough but fair! ”

I just don’t think I’m the bad guy here for that especially after how disrespectful they BOTH have been to me for no reason. even though a couple of my employees have definitely been icy to me since yesterday and I’m sure it’s because of all this BS.”

15. So much wrong here.

I’m surprised I haven’t seen someone post about the woman who made her mixed race step daughter sit out of their family Christmas pictures because her parents are racist and it might make them uncomfortable.

14. Think of your blood pressure.

The one where a piece of s*%t dad got his daughter scratch cards for her birthday and when she actually won a lot of money from the card, he just confiscated the money for himself. That was the post that made me realize that sub just wasn’t good for my health. I already have high blood pressure.

And, to my credit, I’ve never gone back.

13. That poor kid.

I’m not sure if it was an AITA post but I’ll never forget the one guy. He’d just turned 18 and was getting ready for college when his dad walked in, said “your mom cheated on me. I’m not your real dad. I’m not paying for your college. Move out after you graduate high school”

The dad had known for the sons entire life but didn’t say anything until that moment because he thought it was the moms job to do it. And the kid assumed his family would pay for his college like they did with the others so he didn’t save any money or look for scholarships

12. They did not learn their lesson.

Poster has an older daughter and a few other younger kids. They insist that daughter cannot do activities in high school because she has to take care of the younger kids. So far pretty run of the mill a$$holery.

It came out in the comments that OP actually had another, older daughter that was left completely out of the story because after similar had been done to her, she completely cut the family out.

It was just so strange/upsetting that they had already lost a child to these actions, but still insisted that they were in the right and it was the daughters’ responsibility to raise their other kids.

11. Heaven forbid.

The one with the guy whose daughter was super depressed, he got her therapy and she made some improvements, but then asked if he’d be the a$$hole if he canceled her therapy ‘because she likes it’ and her grades hadn’t yet improved.

10. A terrible boyfriend.

the guy who burned all of op’s candle made by her sister, b/c he thought she wasn’t getting got over her sister’s death too fast. enough.

He admitted to her that he liked taking care of her when she was emotionally vulnerable and it turned out he’d most likely done it in hopes that it would undo the progress she’d made in her grief and become depressed and withdrawn again.

9. It’s just a cat.

There was one that got deleted because of AITA’s weird rule about “no posts where the central conflict is a breakup” (even though I would say the breakup was NOT the central conflict of this; rather, an effect of the central conflict itself).

But basically the OP’s cat got sick super suddenly and she was unable to take off work so asked her boyfriend to take her cat to the vet. Her boyfriend took the cat and the vet said that it had some terminal illness, and the boyfriend told the vet to put it down right then and there. He didn’t call the OP or anything, just waited for her to come back from work and be like, “Where is my cat?”

The boyfriend thought he was completely justified, did not seem to understand that a terminal illness in an animal does not mean “put them down right this instant.”

The boyfriend could not grasp the concept that OP could have had a couple days more with her pet and taken her to be put to sleep herself, and said she was overacting because “It’s just a cat.” It absolutely sickened me.

8. Some families are not worth it.

OP gave up after-school activities to work for money when she was a teen because her younger sister had cancer. In adulthood, sister is okay. OP has a boyfriend & finds OP’s own boyfriend and the sister fucking in OP’s bedroom. OP dumps guy for cheating on her.

Sister invites OP to dinner to announce that OP’s ex-bf and her are in love. OP hears about a several-month-long pregnancy later as well. OP refuses to support the relationship & pregnancy, so parents brigade the family onto OP.

They tell OP that they never thought the sister would ever get to even gave a pregnancy so OP should quit being an asshole and accept sister’s relationship.

I’d move to another planet to escape that family.

7. I’m still worried about this woman.

The one where a pregnant woman posted about her partner and his family were pretty much planning for her to die in childbirth.

I don’t know if there was ever an update from her but it was quite worrying.

Yeah, it definitely sounded like if she didn’t die during childbirth that they were gonna smother her or something.

6. That is not your right, ma’am.

I remember one where a woman lost her child and wanted to keep their ashes in an urn. MIL wanted the ashes to be turned into jewelry or something so everyone could have a piece of that child. The mother didn’t want that, and the MIL took the ashes anyway and got necklaces or something made for everyone.

It was so terrible.

5. How is this true?

The woman whose boyfriend (husband?) declined to pay for any medical care or baby costs while she was pregnant with his child because they kept their finances separate and that was a “her” thing.

If I recall correctly, she was making barely minimum wage while he made six figures and he told her to go to a food bank.

4. Total clown.

What about the guy who was jealous of his girlfriend’s knitting hobby? She was spending too much time knitting and not enough time focused on him. One night he got mad and she left to cool down.

While she was gone, he cut up the blanket she spent 6 months knitting and threw it in the trash!

If I remember correctly he wanted her to stop because knitting wasn’t sexy and made him feel like she was an old woman. Like 🤡

3. Too many of these types of stories.

The guy who blamed his recently diagnosed with cancer wife for not having kids earlier.

To top it off he was so disgusted and disappointed with her that he went a booked a hotel room for himself just after she had gotten diagnosed, leaving her with her family.

2. Imagine being embarrassed by SOMEONE ELSE’S socks.

There are so many but my favorite asshole is the one that threw out his gf socks because they had cute funny prints and he thought it would embarrass him.

Even after his own mom complimented the gf bc she wore the socks to bring joy to her workplace.

1. It’s not all about you.

The woman who stole his dying son’s wish (make a wish foundation) to get a vacations instead of letting the kid meet his favorite band because that way she would “remember for the rest of her life because raising a kid with cancer was so stressful”

Wow, y’all. Some people really are just trash, huh?

If you’re an AITA lover, tell us your own favorite terrible cases in the comments!