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Street art, also known as graffiti, has historically had a bit of an image issue. People thought it an eyesore, it was (and still is in some places) illegal to deface public spaces, and you know, opinions on what qualifies as art varies widely.
That said, street art has become more acceptable in some places, with a few cities and towns even marking off spaces where graffiti is allowed.
And as far as content goes, who could hate these 16 positive images? Not me.
16. Unless it’s literally bright.

Image Credit: Imgur
15. He’s dressed so snazzy!

Image Credit: Imgur
14. This is relatable content.

Image Credit: Imgur
13. That’s one way to get things done.
12. It’s not NICE but it’s working
11. Things we all need to hear now and again!
10. Now that’s a compliment.
Polite graffiti artist can’t tag in the Ikea washroom. Canadian: level 99
byu/red99tercel inottawa
9. Much better than an airport.
8. Someone is just totally out of ideas.

Image Credit: Imgur
7. How to make people smile every day.
6. Very good advice for our times.

Image Credit: Imgur
5. Your daily reminder.

Image Credit: Imgur
4. Just being helpful I see.

Image Credit: Imgur
3. Just ask first!

Image Credit: Imgur
2. All fixed (even the punctuation).

Image Credit: Imgur
1. That’s how we know you’re a good person.

Image Credit: Imgur
If I was going to randomly deface public spaces, these are examples of what I would paint!
Have you ever done graffiti? Do you like it? Are you indifferent? Let us know your opinion in the comments!