
16 ‘Pride and Prejudice’ Jokes That Fans Like Us Truly Love

I guess there are people in the world who still hate on Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice, but if you as me, it mostly just smacks of either envy or somehow thinking it makes you cool and superior to not like the thing everyone else enjoys.

Because the story, the characters, and the adaptations have endured for so long, there’s really no arguing they don’t have merit!

There are also ample jokes, which of course means you’ve made it, and we really love these 16.

16. I don’t think Jane did, either.

They existed only in her mind.


15. With less costuming, sadly.

I love that the GIF is Colin Firth.


14. I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard.

But here we are.


13. It helps more than you would have thought, too.

Especially when you are out of other options.


12. That first one is slaying me.

But…I agree with them all.


11. They don’t want any of that.

Not the first time around, anyway.


10. Talk about playing to your audience.

Or your customers, I guess.


9. Proof that some things about romance were better back then.

But no, not most things.


8. The magic of a good book.

It’s like an old friend and a new lover at the same time.


7. Take note authors and filmmakers everywhere.

It works every single time.


6. How did he suppose that would go over?

Ah, right. He’s Darcy.


5. I don’t know about sexier, but…

There’s definitely something about it that gets you going.


4. Why is this so scarily accurate though.

The Office is just so relatable.


3. Give me more of it, please.

I will watch it all day long.


2. I mean how dare.

This cracks me up.


1. Our expectations are high.

Great, even, one might say.


I’m a fan of the story, and now I’m a fan of these 16 jokesters. Ha!

What’s your favorite P&P funny? Share it with us in the comments!