#9. Who hasn’t done this? (I have done this).
I once started a line outside a restroom thinking there was someone inside. Five minutes later, I opened the door and it was empty. #ImDumb
— F r e d e r i c k ♊️ (@fgivory) May 13, 2016
#8. …were you high, though?
@jimmyfallon #ImDumb I once waited in line at Macys behind a mannequin for 15minutes thinking it was a person.
— Yafet G (@yafet01) May 11, 2016
#7. I mean, you hadn’t had your coffee yet, so…
@jimmyfallon went through the dunkin donuts drive thru and started talking to the garbage can instead of the speaker #imdumb
— Londyn Mitchell (@LondynMitchell) May 11, 2016
#6. You just kissed the wrong one. Obviously. Some princes are mean.
I genuinely believed that if you kissed a frog it would turn into a prince so I ended in the hospital for kissing a venomous toad. #ImDumb
— ΞDGAR ANTHONY SOLIS™ (@edgatic) May 15, 2016