There are many reasons to patronize a restaurant, and only some of them have to do with the actual food. Along with normal aspects, like service, prices and happy hour specials, human beings seem to enjoy atmosphere – those little touches that make a place quirky and original. You know, just someplace you feel like you want to spend your precious time and hard-earned money.
If that sounds right to you, then you’ll definitely want to remember the names and locations of these restaurants because they’re not afraid to be themselves!
When you gotta go, you gotta go…no matter whose face is in the way.
Suddenly rhinos might be my favorite animal and also my patronus.
Rewarding good behavior is always the way to go.
Fair wages for restaurant staff? What a novel idea!
This restaurant in Austin is catching the US up with the rest of the world.
byu/ToTouchAnEmu inpics
I guess you can get political if you’re sure you know your audience.
Windimere Pub is keeping the local populous in good spirits.
by inpics
I can’t stop staring.
Prague is as Prague does.
Medieval-themed pub in Prague
byu/nokia621 inpics
I don’t want to live in a world where there are enough robots to go around.
This is how you take a stand. (even if you sit down to pee)
I found this in a cocktail bar in Indiana and it made me smile.
byu/Putin_inyoFace inpics
I love all of these so much!
Have you been to any of these places? Is there a local place near you with a policy or sign that makes you laugh every time you see it? Please share!