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Listen, talking is hard, y’all.
English is hard, too, whether it’s your first language or not, and I don’t know about you but the older I get, the more contending with brain fog has become a daily freaking challenge.
Which is why I’m both willing to laugh and sympathize with these 18 people who gave it their best, but chose the totally wrong word in the moment.
18. I am also pro-panda.
How on earth could you be anything else?
17. I think they mean “buzzkill.”
What even does bus scale mean?!
16. They sound very dapper.
But I don’t think they would be much help in a fire.
Recycling Fire Distinguishers
byu/Nearby_Employee_2943 inBoneAppleTea
15. I wonder what that would look like.
I bet it would smell pretty bad, though.
14. The word “uterus” is harder to mess up.
I’m just saying.
Computing straight out of the whom
byu/hidratmj inBoneAppleTea
13. Now there’s the spirit!
It’s all about the positive thinking!
12. I wouldn’t put all of your eggs in one basket.
The last several years have been quite the disappointment.
Save Year
by inBoneAppleTea
11. I knew a guy once who called them “chipmonkeys.”
His first language was not English, though.
Alvin and the chick mucks
byu/Common_Coyote_3 inBoneAppleTea
10. This does not sound right.
I don’t think the church needs any more bad publicity.
Doctoring of the church
byu/PsychologicalWafer78 inBoneAppleTea
9. I’m going to say this is a first-language issue.
It’s still a pretty funny substitution, though.
Couldn’t get dinner due to a male function
byu/TrilliadaTideml inBoneAppleTea
8. How can you tell that cake doesn’t believe in a higher power?
Or I guess, how could you tell if if didn’t?
Atheistic cake
byu/MaryJHB inBoneAppleTea
7. That necklace is neckless!
I wonder if it’s being worn by a ghost.
6. Wow, this person knows a lot about angles.
I wonder if they aced geometry.
5. You do sit on it in a car.
So I guess that sort of makes sense.
4. I can’t stop thinking about this word.
It seems so much more appropriate than the actual word now.
3. Oh, you know what they meant.
Enough with the aggressive question mark!
2. Ok those are not the same thing at all.
No wonder this person has always preferred whole milk!
1. IDK my husband says my gut in-stinks are totally wrong.
I don’t know why this one is making me laugh so hard.
These just crack me up, but listen. I am not laughing at them, because tomorrow it could totally be me.
Has something like this ever happened to you? Tell us the story (because we know you can laugh about it now) in the comments!