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I love a good drama queen. Hell, I’ve even been called one on occasion, and I honestly don’t have much of a counter argument in some situations. Some days, there’s just no way to reasonably react to pretty much anything- especially if it’s a three-cup-of-coffee kind of day.
At any rate, you’ve likely got someone in your life these posts remind you of, and if you don’t, well…I’m guessing you might be the drama queen in your life, so take a look in the mirror.
20. Hangry alert.

Photo Credit: Instagram
19. Drama queens don’t waste any time.

Photo Credit: Tumblr
18. Does not compute.

Photo Credit: Instagram
17. The legal system is there for people like us.

Photo Credit: Twitter
16. I suggest you master the art of flouncing.

Photo Credit: Tumblr
15. Sensitive engagement meter alert.

Photo Credit: Tumblr
14. A tendency to overanalyze is key.

Photo Credit: Twitter
13. But, I mean, everyone does this, right? RIGHT?

Photo Credit: Instagram
12. I don’t see the problem here.

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
10. WebMD was made for the dramatic. I think dramatic doctors run it, tbh.

Photo Credit: Instagram
9. I mean, this seems like an appropriate reaction if you ask me.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
8. I’m sure it surprises no one to learn that Martha has a bit of drama in her.

Photo Credit: Twitter
7. Drama queen panic mode…

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
5. This picture, tho.

Photo Credit: Tumblr
4. You must know what you got yourself into.

Photo Credit: Meme Center
3. Is this your reaction to basically any inconvenience? You might be a drama queen.
2. Sometimes you just can’t win.

Photo Credit: Tumblr
1. Well, that was fast.

Photo Credit: Twitter