
20 Strange Books That Really Exist

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Now, I’m not one to book shame. If you’re reading, that’s awesome, and whatever you enjoy is totally cool!

Butttt there’s no denying these 20 books are a bit on the weird side.

20. Does God Ever Speak Through Cats by David Evans


I can’t believe the religious scholars of the world haven’t tackled this one before now.

19. Knitting with Dog Hair: Better a Sweater from a Dog You Know and Love Than From a Sheep You’ll Never Meet by Kendall Crolius and Anne Montgomery

Bonus points for the rhyming title.

18. Dating for Under A Dollar: 301 Ideas by Blair Tolman

This better not find its way into the hands of too many Tinder users.

17. Treat Your Own Neck by Robin McKenzie


The physical therapist author offers all manner of advice on self-care for neck-related problems, and reviews really are glowing!

16. Whose Bottom Is This? by Wayne Lynch

I mean, whose 3yo doesn’t need to know how to identify an animal by its backside?

15. Fashion Cats by Takako Iwasa

There are 160 pages in this coffee table book filled with pictures of “supermodel” cats Prin and Koutaro wearing cat couture.

14. How to Disappear Completely and Never be Found by Doug Richmond


A niche market, for sure.

13. How to Teach Physics to Your Dog by Chad Orzel

…and slightly slow humans, to boot.

12. The Best Fences by James Fitzgerald

Why would you settle for less?

11. The Lull Before Dorking by Sir Baldwyn Leighton

This collection of 19th century British pamphlets could refer to a British town or some kind of fowl – the jury remains out.

10. Anybody Can be Cool…but Awesome Takes Practice (Devotionals for Teens) by Lorraine Peterson


I’m going to hazard a guess that the teens reading this Christian devotional book are going to be disappointed with the results of the included “12-step plan to awesome.”

9. How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich by Franz-Josef Bruggemeier

In light of their humanitarian, um, policies, most people haven’t spend much time pondering the Nazi party’s views on the environment…until now.

8. Manifold Destiny: The One! The Only! Guide to Cooking on Your Car Engine! by Chris Maynard and Bill Scheller


I think if your car runs hot enough to cook food, you might have bigger problems than what to eat for dinner.

7. How to Land a Top-Paying Pierogi Makers Job by Ashley McFadden

I hope all 100 people who need this book found it.

6. The New Radiation Recipe Book published by Radiation Publications Dept.

Hold on a sec – Radiation was a sort of trade group for a bunch of brands of gas cookers in the early 20th century.

5. Who Cares About Elderly People? by Pam Adams

I don’t know about you, but I’m dying to find out.

4. How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack: Defend Yourself When the Lawn Warriors Strike (and They Will) by Chuck Sambuchino.


I think we could all use this advice. Just in case.

3. Royal Knits by Nicolette McGuire

The book includes patterns for a yarn replica of the St. Edward’s Crown as well as an original design for Corgi slippers.

2. Teach Your Wife to be a Widow by Donald L. Rogers


Because if you think you need to teach her everything, she’ll definitely be one sooner than later.

1. Goblinproofing One’s Chicken Coop, and Other Practical Advice in Our Campaign Against the Fairy Kingdom by Reginald Bakeley

The AP called this 2012 book a “supernaturally tinged barnyard manual,” and who couldn’t use one of those?

Read read read!