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If you happen to be turning 50 this year, you’ll be able to celebrate with a lot of cool historical milestones.
Here are 20 cool things that are hitting the half-century mark in 2019.
1. The iconic 1969 moon landing
2. Sesame Street
3. Monty Python’s Flying Circus
4. Woodstock
5. The Gap
6. Final live performance by The Beatles
7. PBS
8. Wendy’s
9. The Brady Bunch
10. Tic Tacs
11. “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond
12. Easy Rider
13. Midnight Cowboy
14. Led Zeppelin’s debut album
15. The Manson Family murders
16. Scooby Doo
17. Fla Vor Ice
18. NYC’s Stonewall Riots
19. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
20. Funyuns
What a year!