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We’ve all been there…
You neglect your stove for a while and before you know it, it’s caked with dried old food, dirt, grime, and who knows what else.
But today we’re going to fix all that!
Here are five good tips about how to clean your stovetop.
1. White vinegar.
It seems like white vinegar keeps popping up a lot these days when it comes to cleaning and stoves are no exception.
Put some into a spray bottle and spray onto your stovetop. Wait 20 minutes and then wipe that baby clean!
Photo Credit: Pixabay
2. Baking soda.
Dump a good amount of baking soda onto the stovetop and then lay some wet, soapy towels on top of the baking soda.
Wait about 15 minutes and you’ll see that a lot of the residue is gone. Use the wet towels to get rid of the rest of the gunk and you’ll be good to go!
3. Ammonia.
Put towels or paper towels around the burners on the stovetop. Put ammonia (drizzle, don’t pour) onto the towels/paper towels and cover the stovetop with plastic wrap for 3 hours or more.
Then you can remove everything and wipe the stovetop clean.
Please remember to ventilate when using ammonia!
Photo Credit: Pixabay
4. Lemon and salt.
Did you know that lemon is a natural degreaser and salt can be used as an abrasive cleaner?
Now you do!
Only use this method for stovetops that are NOT glass.
Cut a lemon in half and use each half to rub on stains or grease on your stovetop. Then put some salt on top of that, let it sit for 10 minutes, and use a wet cloth to clean everything up.
Photo Credit: pxhere
Do you have any more kitchen tips to share with us?
If so, please share them with us in the comments.
We can’t wait to hear from you!