
People Open up and Share the Things That Have Been Eating Them up Inside

This sure has been a stressful year.

People are out of work, money is tight, everything is closed, and most of us have been cooped up in our houses and apartments for nine months now.

So it’s safe to say that there are a whole lot of folks out there right now who have a ton of problems eating them up inside.

Let’s see what AskReddit users have been dealing with lately.

1. A struggle.

“I’m struggling to label my s*xuality. For years I’ve been sure I’m bi and I’ve had experiences with guys and girls that seemed to back this up.

However, recently, I’ve come to realize that I just don’t like getting physical. With anyone. I feel absolutely nothing even when I’m with people I have very strong feelings for.

Maybe I’m too inexperienced or maybe I haven’t found the right person. But its always a little worry in the back of my mind.”

2. Being accused.

“My mother and brother accusing me of being a drug addict.

4 years ago, and I’m still bitter. I didn’t go to the ER seeking drugs. I went because I was in pain from the 10 centimeter tumor inside my uterus. I guess they realized their mistake after the surgeons spent 8 hours cutting it out of me, but I never got an apology.

Never even admitted they were wrong. Sometimes I hate my family.”

3. Unhappy.

“I have severe depression and PTSD but nobody knows how unhappy I am because I have abusive parents and no close friends.

And seeing how much better everyone else’s life around me are, it just is eating me up.”

4. Gender questions.

“Questioning my gender.

My biology is female but I’ve always felt that I kinda hovered between male and female. I don’t think I’m genderfluid.

I might be non-binary, I’m just stressed out by it and it doesn’t help that my mom says that anything besides male and female are fake and made up.”

5. I’m a mess.


I try to fall asleep, but I can’t sleep. Sleep deprivation is now just my routine. Even when I do manage to fall asleep for a few glorious moments, I awake throughout the night.

Well, that and the fact that I’m very judgmental of myself and I just need my head to shut up for five minutes, so I can hear myself think, really THINK. And when I talk, it feels like no one ever listens.

I want to change but I can’t, really can’t. I feel like I’m just running from everything, all my problems, and I run because I know I cannot hide.

It’s keeping me up, everyone telling me that I should give up. Long story short, I’m a mess.”

6. Haven’t told a soul.

“A friend and I have been making this graphic novel for about half a year now. To be honest, I cannot say why we’ve been doing it, but it’s important to her and she really seems to be enjoying it.

Lately, due to Covid, we haven’t been able to see each other at all but she’s still working on the project. I feel like a horrible friend for saying this, but I really want to pull out. I haven’t had an active role in this project in a while, and I have told her a few times that I’ll stop procrastinating and start helping her again, but I just can’t find the energy to.

I have a lot of chaos in my own life right now, but I do have a lot of time to help, but I just can’t find the want to do it. I feel really guilty and like I am letting her down, but I just don’t want to do this anymore. I’ve always been a people-pleaser, so that might be why I feel so guilty but I just don’t know what to do.

Am I overreacting? Am I just being cowardly for not speaking my mind? Or am I really a terrible friend? I’m probably being overdramatic, but this has been very heavy on my chest for a long time, and I haven’t told a soul.”

7. Alcohol problems.

“My dad is an Alcoholic, and I am afraid I am turning into one.

I drink alone, and anytime I feel like it. I’m disgusted afterwards, but dont seem to stop.

My memory and sleep and my self worth are really affected. But i cant bring myself to ask for help.”

8. No joy in life.

“I feel like my life is on pause now and forevermore.

I used to find joy in things such as seeing friends and drawing but now I feel like I don’t want to do anything, don’t feel motivated to do anything, don’t like doing anything. I dunno.

I’m a different person now. All I do is think about my life and climate change and death and everything wrong in this world. I just can’t.”

9. Worried.

“I’m 17 years old. I am about to be 18.

I have no job, no license, and no real world experience because my parents won’t let me.

I am genuinely worried about how I will fare in the adult world due to my lack of experience.”

10. ADHD.

“My ADHD…It’s been driving me mad lately.

Basically, instead of one “train of thought”, I have LOTS of trains that aren’t ever stopping at a station and they keep looping and twisting and interrupting each other, so now my train of thought is a giant knot of NONSENSE!

And it’s been a lot worse recently…I can’t do school very well. My relationship with my family is rocky. Idk what to do.”

11. Might be a problem.

“I have a screen addiction.

Yes, this is ironic. I have spent probably about 2,000 hours on Youtube (rough guess) and I have no idea how to stop.

I feel like a waste and a failure. I wish that I could just stop.”

12. Divorce.

“My parent’s divorce.

The house is different, a lot of things I held sentimental are gone, my mom’s rules have gotten stricter since he’s left. I look at spaces where his things were and it makes me sad. I get sad at random, sometimes for no apparent reason. And I have 2 projects to do.

And to make it worse, my own friends sometimes doubt my s*xuality and ask very probing questions and it makes me uncomfortable because if i don’t answer they say im not who i am, they say its a phase, etc.”

13. Am I an easy target?

“I don’t know how people can lie to your face even when presented with proof and then be rude to you. How do they sleep at night?

On the other hand, I can’t sleep, I can’t work, I can’t eat, I can’t do anything if I feel I have been unjust to someone or if I have hurt someone. I can’t break anyone’s trust, just the very possibility of me being in a position to cause someone to face a loss even if it’s $3.00 makes me panic.

Recently someone was very rude to me and tried to put the blame on me, I can’t be rude back and sometimes I feel like I’m just an easy target…”

Now we’d like to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what’s been eating you up inside.

Please and thank you!