
15 People Who Really Hope Some Of Their Secrets Stay That Way After They’re Gone

Personally, I think that having a secret you hope your family doesn’t discover once you’re gone can go one of two ways. On the one hand, it could be really embarrassing and it could change the way people remember you.

On the other hand if you don’t have some interesting surprise buried in a closet somewhere, doesn’t that mean you’re not really living your life to the fullest?

I’m just saying.

These 15 people aren’t worried about being boring, but they are worried about something coming out after their deaths.

15. Is there a written record?

How many times I’ve s*%t my pants as an adult.

14. She’s definitely come alive.

A paper cutout of a voluptuous lady that I stashed somewhere in my house but couldn’t find for the life of me.

It has been 5 years and no luck yet.

13. For the children.

I’ve been hiding it from a lot of people that I’m actually just a hive mind of rats in a large trench coat impersonating someone.

It’s getting harder and harder to keep the charade up each day but goddammit I have to keep going. For them. For my children and the family I love.

I will remain here for you, a massive blob of rats- but your father, nonetheless.

12. Destroy your Reddit password.

That I commented on sh*%posts.

11. The truth is out there.

That I was never human in the first place…

x-files music

10. Temptation for days.

my collection of huge d**dos

It gives me anxiety that if i die before my parents they’ll have to discover that their son has over 15 gigantic dildos.

So I gave a trusted friend an extra key to my place and told him about the box under my bed and should I ever die unexpectedly to destroy the contents of that box.

9. It made him happy.

The amount of total hours i have in my steam account

they ill say something like “mf spent 1/5 of his life playing, why do we even care”

it’s kinda silly, but yeah

8. Write down your passwords.

I fear one day people will discover my fanfictions on wattpad.. I could never find the password for it and i couldn’t log back in..

Edit: Lol thank you so much for the comments. I wrote fanfics on wattpad when I was 13. I still write but it’s much better.

I wish I could tell myself that whatever I put out on the internet is going to be out there forever. Also WRITE DOWN YOUR GOSH DARN PASSWORDS

7. Burn them.

I’m worried someone will find a collection of writing I did when I was going through an awful break up and was too stubborn to speak to anyone so constantly put on a brave face and silently cried out over these letters.

I know where they are but I can’t build up the courage to pull them out, relive the words and disgusts of them forever.

It does worry me they will find them clearing out my stuff and be upset I ever felt that low.

6. You can get rid of that every so often.

My search history.

I can’t wait to see what some elections are going to look like in the next 15 to 20 years.

You know people are gonna try and dig up their opponent’s internet history to see what kind of f**ked up pr0n they watched when they were 20 years old and air that s**t out like dirty laundry.

It’s gonna be an absolute s**tshow, way more than it already is.

5. Aw, how about therapy?

How completely dependent my wife was on me and how her complacency towards the toxic people in her life has cost her at least a decade and counting of a fulfilling life.

4. It’s not too late to change that.

That my life had no significant impact on this planet or society and I wasted 27 years of my life for nothing…

3. A fly on the wall.

Not something I’m afraid of, but I’d love to see my friends faces as they go through my stuff and see i saved all my old drawings of dragon ball z OCs, original mobile suit designs, and alter ego superhero identities i made for all of them.

I think that’d be one good last laugh before my ghost fades away to the hereafter.

2. If it sparks joy you have to keep it.

My life size danny devito s*x doll

1. If he could choose.

Every letters I have written when I was sad, I only write those when I’m sad as a way to exteriose it.

I’ve read some from years ago and made myself cry because how much I was hurting.

I don’t want people to think that I’ve had a miserable life, because I haven’t.

Ironically, I’d rather they find this Reddit account, because I do like engaging with the community and I always try to be a positive influence

Y’all, I think these just make them interesting. I need to get myself a nefarious secret and put it in a file with a semi-obvious password on my computer.

Do you have a secret you’re worried about? Tell us the nature of it and why you hope it stays buried in the comments!