
What Do You Swear on Your Life Is 100% True? Here’s What People Said.

It’s hard to say that something is 100% true these days

People are divided on pretty much every issue and that leads to a lot of folks arguing about, well, everything.

But these AskReddit users are certain that these things are 100% true.

Take a look at what they had to say…

1. Sorry…

“I look good in the mirror.

I look terrible in photos.”

2. Boom!

“I was drinking and throwing darts with my buddy.

I was messing around and held all three darts by their tips, and threw them similarly to how a samurai draws a sword (think how Sheik throws needles in SSBM) from triple the legal distance.

I made two in the outer bullseye, and one in the center bullseye.”

3. All the time…

“That the printer will always run out of ink or that the paper will get jammed when you’re already rushing and stressed.

Happens all the time.”

4. Maddening.

“The makers of baby wipes intentionally wrap them in a way so when you pull one out the container you get 2-3 and waste them because they are a b**ch to put back in.”

5. Swear I saw it…

“A gigantic meteor came down over a field I was driving right next to one night.

I obviously didn’t get video of it, but holy f**k I wish I had. It was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.

There are two really sh**ty videos people happened to get of the meteor about 30-40 miles away, but to see it that close is something I’ll never forget.”

6. I think you’re right.

“The way people drive and the way they use a shopping cart are directly linked.

I swear by this, and also how they walk down the street. I’m convinced people who go sideways or stop at the middle of the sidewalk without looking around do the same when driving.”

7. Probably the worst day.

“Sunday does not have 24 hours.

I feel it about 2 PM. I announce to my husband, “Oh no! It’s time for the Sunday Blues!”.”

8. Big shot.

“I went to DreamWorks studios when I was 11 to give a presentation of my animation skills. Nobody ever believes me when I tell them that story. I swear I’m not making it up, it really happened.

To keep it brief, I took an online animation course and the company that made the course liked it so much that asked me to be a model student for a business deal with DreamWorks to use their IPs in their courses.

They flew me out to LA for free, I got a private tour of the studio, and I even got to meet two animators who were working in animation tests for Trolls (which came out 3 years later). I even got to see concept art for the Captain Underpants movie, which had just started development at the time.

To this day I still think this is my life’s peak and it’s all downhill from here.”

9. They’re listening…

“That our phones are listening to us in order to hit us with relevant advertising.

Too many times now I’ve been talking about something, or been in a situation, and an advert for it popped up an hour or so later.”

10. High score.

“I bowled a 289.

The friend that went with me is notorious for making up details.

No one believes me.”

11. It’s true.

“Time passes quicker the older you get.

Do the things right now that you want to do, don’t wait for later.”

12. Life lesson.

“There is always someone better and worse than you at everything.

Be humble when winning.”

13. Secret business.

“The Coca-Cola Vending center down the road from me (which is next to a Lockheed Martin facility) is letting either Lockheed Martin or the federal government itself use their Coca-Cola trucks to transport missiles or other weapons in secret.”

What true stories would you like to share with us today?

Tell us some good ones in the comments.

Thanks a lot!