
People Online Are Emotional over the ‘Coming Out’ Conversation This Writer Had with a Room Full of 4th Graders

Speaking in front of any room full of people can be terrifying and nerve-wracking for anyone.

So, when writer Slade Sohmer was asked by his mother to speak to her 4th-grade class about writing, he was obviously nervous. But, in the end, it turned out to be one of the most rewarding experiences he’d had in a while.

This is Slade.

Photo Credit: Instagram

His story will warm your heart, I promise:

Slade was asked to come to his mother’s 4th-grade classroom in honor of Teacher’s Appreciation Week and Mother’s Day.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Obviously, any 4th-grader is excited when a new person comes in to speak to them.

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He took the time out to get to know them and ask about their likes/dislikes.

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Of course, 4th-grade minds are curious.

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Then, they began to ask him some personal questions.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Slade happens to be gay and lives with his boyfriend, but he was unsure whether or not he should tell the 4th-grade students. He decided honesty is the best policy and went for it.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Surprisingly (but not so surprisingly) the kids weren’t awestruck, rude, or judgemental.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Slade told BuzzFeed:

Photo Credit: Twitter

And, the rest of the day was rather touching, as well.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Obviously, no one expected the kids to react poorly, however, many times parents instill their own biases and beliefs onto their kids, which can, in turn, create a negative bias for young kids. He said:

People on Twitter were incredibly moved and touched by this story, showing that kids are blank slates–full of understanding and free of judgment.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

This article was first published by our partners at Woke Sloth.