
A Bear Family Takes Over a Jungle Gym in a North Carolina Backyard

When summers rolls around, bears turn up in the most unexpected places—from pools to patios and even on jungle gyms.

In Ashville, North Carolina, one family got quite an unusual and unforgettable sight on a recent summer day when a bear family had an unexpected playdate in their backyard.

Photo Credit: YouTube/Viral Hog

The mama bear mostly looked over her cubs as they tumbled around the yard’s jungle gym before attempting to climb it.

The residents said that the video was taken in their backyard. The group consisted of a mother and five cubs, two of which are suspected to be from a different litter altogether.

After a few of the cubs gleefully reached the top of the structure, they made their way back down via the slide. Because it was so much fun, they climbed back up again for another slippery journey.

Photo Credit: YouTube/Viral Hog

Some of the cubs also tried their luck at the adjoining swing set, which proved to be a little more complicated.

They eventually gave up and joined their siblings on the slide, and at one point, it even looked like the mama bear might join in herself.

A fun time appeared to be had by all, and the sight of the frolicking cubs made the residents’ day. Their video of the experience even went viral.

Have you ever witnessed bears or other wild animals on your property? What were they doing at the time?

Tell us more in the comments below!