
Entitled Customer Asks for Free Stuff and It Totally Backfires

People just love asking artists and freelancers to work for free. It’s “exposure,” they say. Well, exposure doesn’t pay the rent, now does it?

One entitled customer asked an artist to make a special decal in honor of the family dog, who passed away. The artist kindly sent over two decal options for the customer to choose from — even though the customer only paid for one. What a nice gesture!

But things started to go downhill when the customer asked for a third decal, when the order was already sealed and ready to go.

Check out the full saga…

Part One

Image Credit: Reddit

Part Two

Image Credit: Reddit

Part Three

Image Credit: Reddit

Part Four

Image Credit: Reddit

Part Five

Image Credit: Reddit

Part Six

Image Credit: Reddit

Ah, that last message though. It’s so sweet to have the last word.

And, by the way… how patient was this person? WOW!

People were pretty quick to pile onto the customer, pointing out that she royally screwed herself:

Image Credit: Reddit

Other people painted a picture of how ironic the whole thing was:

Image Credit: Reddit

Of course, they had to poke fun at the customer’s reason for needing a third sticker:

Image Credit: Reddit

And one commenter even pointed out that the customer never, ever even said thank you anywhere in the process.

Where is the common decency these days, people?

Image Credit: Reddit

This story just goes to show you how tough it can be to run your own business or to be an artist. No one is grateful, even when you go above and beyond to make their day.

What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to how people treat small businesses? We’d love to hear from you!

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