
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

Meet The World’s First Liquid Slime Robot

We’re pretty much past the point of being surprised by scientific or technological innovations in this world. It’s kind of sad how numb we’ve become to it all, because honestly, there are some super cool things that are still happening every single day. Like, for example, this “slime” robot. I had no idea that there...

How The Taste Of Sour Things Evolved From Harmful To Helpful

Almost everything about human beings and human nature can be explained in the context of evolution. The things we fear, the things that bring us comfort, the daily reactions to the world around us – it all makes sense when you consider where we’ve come from to get here as a species. Originally, the taste...

What MTV Debuted During Their First Two Hours

If you’re a person of a certain age, you may remember when MTV actually played, you know…music on television. From back in the 80s when they proclaimed that video had killed the radio star to the heyday of TRL in the late 90s/early aughts, we swear it used to be a thing. And if you...

11 People Dish On Their Bedroom Dealbreakers

We all have limits and boundaries, and honestly, those are good things to have. They keep us happy and safe, and they also help us stick to the standards we know are important to us. Bedroom antics are a big part of most adult relationships, so it makes sense that we would have hard lines...

It Turns Out We Can Actually Reverse Graying Hair

Once you become a person of a certain age, there’s no avoiding those gray hairs that start to come in alongside your natural colored ones. If you have dark hair they’re probably more noticeable, but we all deal with it – and the hair dye industry is worth billions of dollars because honestly, we’d rather...

This Company’s Work-From-Home Expectations Had Employees Running Out The Door

The last few years have come with several different lessons and a lot of changes to daily life. One of the biggest ways they’ve impacted us is the ability for many of us to work from home. While not having to commute to an office everyday gives us great flexibility and other perks, there are...

Should A New Employee Be Allowed To Change Workplace Culture?

Workplace culture is an interesting thing. The longer you’re there, the more used to it you get, and you forget that it might seem odd to outsiders. This person works in healthcare, and everyone in their department enjoys going by nicknames that are silly and fun. I work in a hospital with around 6-7 other...

Is This Woman Wrong For Banning Her Partner From The Delivery Room?

Giving birth is one of those things that’s intensely personal, but that also necessarily involves other people (on occasion). Most women are hopeful about having a supportive partner there for the delivery, but what happens when you realize during a pregnancy that your partner is anything but? This couple has been arguing for some time...

Does This Mother Have The Right To Be Upset Over Her Son’s Engagement?

There are about a million hard things about being a parent. That said, one of the toughest things emotionally might be those moments when we have to let go. When they start school for the first time, when they start driving, when they move out, and yes, when they find someone else they want to...

What’s The Best Way To Handle Your Parents Not Respecting Your Sleep Schedule?

As someone who works non-traditional hours, I can vouch for the fact that getting other people to understand when and why you’re available can be tough. Folks from an older generation, particularly, struggle to comprehend a schedule that’s not 9-5, Monday through Friday. This young person has a full-time job – it just happens to...

A Problem Most People Can’t Solve On The First Try

As a whole, the internet loves a good brain teaser. We love to get those juices flowing, to test our smarts against those of others, and generally just be able to pat ourselves on the back once in awhile. If all of that is something you’re into, then have I got a challenge for you...

According To This Comedian, Target Shoppers And Walmart Shoppers Are Fundamentally Different

Reading the headline, you’re probably already pretty sure which type of shopper you are. Let me just say up front that one is not better than the other, so whichever you prefer is totally valid. That said, you’re probably curious why you have that preference – and comedian Trey Kennedy thinks he’s nailed it. Kennedy is...

5 Things People With Clean Homes Never Do

There are two types of people in this world: people who have tidy, well-kept homes and the rest of us, who are honestly doing our best. As one of the latter types, I can confirm that I would like to be tidier most of the time, but between work and kids and life, it can...

You Might Want To Steer Clear Of People Sporting One Of These 4 Tattoos

Tattoos have become more and more popular over the past several decades. If we’re not already there, we’ll soon get to a point where it’s more strange to meet someone without tattoos than with them. That said, not all tattoos are whimsical, sweet, or planted because of deep personal meaning. Some are meant to brand...

This Woman’s Boyfriend Accused Her Of “Imposing Her Culture” On His Parents

Everyone grows up in a different home, with different traditions and customs, no matter where our parents and grandparents are from originally. Those traditions and customs can be stronger for some, or perhaps more foreign to a “typical” American upbringing, but we all have those family quirks that are hard to shake. This woman was...