What Little-Known Warning From Nature Can Save Your Life? People Shared Their Thoughts.
I remember after the devastating earthquake and the resulting tsunamis in 2004, I read a bunch of articles about how people saw animals retreating to higher ground before the massive waves hit beaches and how they just knew that something terrible was about to happen. Like a sense of intuition that humans didn’t understand. And...
15 People Share What They Think Would Be Discovered if the Entire Ocean Was Explored
I’m not smart enough to be a scientist, but if I was, I think being an oceanographer would be fascinating. Some folks are afraid and uncomfortable in the ocean, but I love being in it and around it as much as I can. And, on a side note, did you know that over 80% of...
What Would Be Found if the Entire Ocean Was Explored? People Responded.
Did you know that more than 80% of the world’s oceans are unexplored? That’s a lot of territory, people! And can you even begin to imagine the things and the creatures that lurk under the surface…? What do you think would be discovered if the entire ocean was explored? AskReddit users offered up their opinions....
How Coffee Filters Could Help Keep Your Houseplants Alive
Some people in this world have naturally green thumbs. The rest of us range somewhere between “can grow things if we really focus” and “kills everything, even the houseplants that are supposedly impossible to kill.” If you’re somewhere in that latter group but would like to change your murderous relationship with the plants in your...
Person Asks if They’re a Jerk for Asking Their Friend to Pay for Their Dog’s Surgery
If you happen to have pets, then you already know that vet bills can be VERY expensive. And this situation involving a dog from a person on Reddit seems like it might just end a friendship. Let’s see what went down… WIBTA for asking my friend to pay for my dogs surgery after she almost...
What Makes You Hopeful That We Can Reach Net Zero Emissions by 2050? Here’s How People Responded.
I’m no scientist, but it seems like at least some of the major players around the world are committed to helping us reach net zero emissions in the next few decades. And I think we all know that the faster we accomplish that, the better off the future of humanity is going to be. What...
People Share What They Believe Are the Scariest Plants in the World
Nature can be kind of horrifying, huh? Yes, of course it’s magnificent and gives us so many gifts, but when you read about dangerous plants like you’re about to, it makes you a little paranoid. AskReddit users talked about what they think are the scariest plants in the world. Let’s see what they had to...
What Are the Scariest Plants in the World? Here’s What People Had to Say.
I’ve always said that if I ever get stranded out in the wilderness or on a desert island, I’m screwed. I’d be screwed for a number of reasons, but one of the big ones is that I know that I’d end up eating a plant that would be poisonous and that would be the end...