Crows Can Remember the Faces of Those Who’ve Wronged Them
Never say the term “bird-brained” refers to crows. In the past, birds weren’t really thought of as genuinely intelligent, but in recent years, researchers who’ve studied the brains of birds have found the opposite to be true. Especially in the case of crows and other members of the corvid family. Back in 2011, a study...
16 “Interesting Gardening” Pictures That Are Way Undersold
When I think that something is “interesting,” I typically use the term as a a mild expression of, well…interest. Not for things that are totally cool and, in some cases, mind blowing. These pictures from the gardening subreddit are more than interesting, if you ask me. Some are amazing, some are soothing, but they’re all...
15 Gardens You Have To See To Believe
I don’t know about you, but I love plants. I can’t grow them for crap, but I sure wish I could, because there’s nothing that feels better in the warmer months than getting your fingers a little bit dirty. These people definitely can grow things, though – green thumbs abound and I’m super jealous –...
16 People Muse On What Living Thing They Would Create If They Could
Have you ever sat back and imagined what you would create if you could bring anything into existence just by thinking about it? On a whim, you could just blink and, I don’t know, combine a lemur and raccoon just for fun…so why not? If you’ve never played this game before, get ready for some...
Zoo Workers Discuss the Secrets About Their Jobs
I ‘m willing to bet that working at a zoo would be exciting and challenging. And one of the reasons I don’t think I’d be able to do it (besides being terrible at science) is that when animals were sick or needed to be put down, I know I’d be a blubbering mess and wouldn’t...
What Can Pet Owners Do to Make the Lives of Their Animals Better? People Responded.
I think it’s safe to say we can agree that we want to do everything we can to make the lives of our pets better. And today we’re gonna get a big dose of advice about our beloved animals! AskReddit users offered advice about how we can make our pets’ lives better. Take a look....
14 People Talk About What Looks Harmless but Is Actually Very Dangerous
Koala bears. Those cute, cuddly creatures may look adorable and soft, but, from what I’ve been told, they can be vicious animals and they can make you instantly regret ever getting near them. Who knew?!?! I sure didn’t… People on AskReddit talked about what looks harmless but is actually really dangerous. So you better pay...
13 People Talk About Unusual Psychological Phenomena
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of this topic is déjà vu. What an eerie feeling that is when it happens! But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, folks. Because there is a whole lot of strange things going on in our brains. What are some odd psychological phenomena? AskReddit...