

Some Scientists Think That Humans Began Walking Upright Because of an Ancient Supernova

For as long as modern humans have existed, we’ve been trying to figure out where we come from. How did we get here, and why do we look the way that we do? One trait that sets humans apart from other apes is the ability to walk upright. Proto-humans began to walk upright about 6...

People Share What They Think Are the Worst Trends of the 2010s

How do you think the 2010s will be remembered? Politics? Pop culture? Weird and bizarre trends? AskReddit users weighed in with what think the most regrettable trends of the past decade are. Share yours in the comments! 1. I guess they were kinda dumb… “_______ challenge” 99% were just horrible for your health. Things like the cinnamon...

In One Ancient Culture, Babies Wore ‘Helmets’ Made from Other Children’s Skulls

Every caregiver knows that it’s important for children to wear a helmet for safety. But throughout history, kids’ helmets have gone through some downright bizarre transformations. In fact in one ancient culture, they were made of other children’s skulls. Smithsonian Magazine reports that members of Ecuador’s Guangala culture buried their infants in the skulls of...

Feral Hogs Destroy Tens of Thousands of Dollars Worth of Cocaine in the Italian Forest

In “feral hog” news, a bunch of feral hogs destroyed $22,000 worth of cocaine in the forest in Italy. The cocaine had been stashed in the woods by a local gang, consisting of three Albanians and an Italian. Police discovered the operation by wiretapping members of the gang. That’s where they heard someone complaining about...

10 Interesting Facts That You Might Not Know

It’s always beneficial to sit back and let some new information seep into your brain. Know what I mean? It makes you feel a little brighter and, guess what? You can break these facts out over dinner during the holidays to impress your family and friends. Let’s see who’s the big shot this year, Uncle...

The Real Story of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has got to be one of the biggest holidays of the year, a time for parades, travel, family, and of course, tons and tons of food.  But, as is the case with many major holidays, it seems that the true history of the holiday has been lost over the years. Today’s Thanksgiving celebrations are...

82-Year-Old Bodybuilding Grandma Puts Would-Be Burglar in the Hospital

To a thief, an 82-year-old grandmother probably looks like easy pickings. Unless that 82-year-old grandmother happens to be a bodybuilder who lifts weights almost every single day, like Willie Murphy. Willie Murphy lives in Rochester, New York. She was home alone recently, getting ready for bed, when a stranger began pounding on her door. The...

10 Tips on Reading from President Teddy Roosevelt

You might not know this, but Teddy Roosevelt was a voracious reader. He reportedly read around a book a day, and was often reading more than one book at a time. Setting aside the fact that the piece he wrote for Ladies Home Journal smacks of a dude imparting knowledge to a bunch of daft...