Thanks to Millennials, Milkmen Are on Their Way Back
Milkmen delivering the milk, cream and butter for the household early each morning was one of the more charming features of the 1950s. Then, like all cool things, milkmen fell out of favor. It somehow became more convenient and less expensive to buy our dairy at the grocery store. But here’s something else you can...
DNA Evidence from Viking Gravesite Proves Decorated Warrior Buried There Was a Woman
Vikings were known for trading and waging battles on the seas and across Europe in the medieval time period. They were fearsome warriors, and they likely even sailed to the North American continent hundreds of years before any other Europeans. Now, a new examination of a well-documented gravesite has researchers rethinking the role gender played...
Violent Crime Drops When the Pollen Count Goes Up
If you want to feel safer in your community, it turns out you can just wait until allergy season and then go about your business worry-free. Because, much in the same way you feel like crap when allergies attack, it turns out criminals are less likely to go about their regular day when they’re not...
10 Fascinating Facts to Help You Get Through This Loooooong Week
Whew! Is this week over yet? It feels like it’s taking FOREVER. But, wait! I have a good idea about how to fix this. Facts! Great facts that will challenge your brain and soothe your soul. Let’s get started! 1. It’s mostly water weight. Source 1 2. Rejection leads to later problems. Source 1 Source...
People Share What They Think Is the Worst Legal Thing You Can Do
Sadly, you can do a lot of terrible things in this world that are totally, 100% legal. Things that most of us would never dream of doing. And they might infuriate you… AskReddit users shared their thoughts on the subject. 1. That’s pretty infuriating. “You can leak the names, addresses, email addresses, social security numbers,...
14 Things You Might Not Know About “I Love Lucy”
Even though I Love Lucy is like, really old and filmed in black and white and everything, you just can’t deny that it’s still ridiculously funny. When you’re a great comedienne like Lucille Ball, it doesn’t matter how many years have passed since you performed – that shizz transcends time and space. So whether you’re...
15 Horror Films Based on Terrifying True Events
As a horror movie fanatic, I think films that are based on real-life events are just a little more creepy – don’t you agree? It gives them an air of realism (even if they’re about the supernatural) that many totally fictional horror movies just can’t match. Members of the Buzzfeed Community weighed in with their...