

If You’re Obsessed With True Crime, These 13 Memes Will Slay You

I don’t know what it is about true crime stories that fascinates me, but I’ve watched so many of them over the past few months that most of what I see now are reruns (for me). I just can’t get enough! If you felt that like a stab in the back, these 13 memes are...

15 Things Our Ancestors Accomplished That’s Actually Impressive When You Think About It

If there’s one thing that’s true when you look back through history, it’s that human beings have (obviously) found ways to persevere. We wouldn’t be here otherwise! What’s more amazing is all of the ways they found to thrive, push boundaries, and think outside the box – and these 15 accomplishments are nothing short of...

At This Japan University You Can Major in Ninja Studies

If your dream in life is to be a ninja, well, you don’t have to wait until Halloween or ComicCon to make it come true – you just have to head to Japan, where you can get an actual degree you can use to convince people you’re a ninja. Or at least prove that you...

The Miranda Warning Doesn’t Apply to Traffic Stops, and 7 More Facts About the Famous Law

We’ve all watched enough cop shows on television to have memorized at least the first part of the Miranda warning. You know, the part where a cop is shoving you into the back of a cop car, handcuffed, and informing you that you have the right to remain silent, and the right to an attorney,...

People Talk About What They Think Folks Need to Stop Romanticizing

We all build things up in our minds and romanticize things that probably should be looked upon so fondly. I’m a sucker for nostalgia, so when I think back to any period of my life, I always tend to remember it as being WAY better than it actually was. What do you think should stop...

What Never Stopped Being Cool? Here’s What People Had to Say About This.

You know how there are certain things in life that never go out of style and just remain hip? I’m talking about things like James Dean, ’65 Mustangs, and stuff that will always be straight-up COOL. I love that kind of stuff. And I think you probably do, too. Do you want to hear some...

People Offer Their Opinions About What Never Stopped Being Cool

Some things are just cool and they always have been. Bruce Springsteen. The Ramones. Martin Scorsese. Converse All-Stars. Also a whole lot of little things in life, too! It’s just the way it is! So let’s learn about some more eternally cool stuff. AskReddit users talked about what was, is, and always shall be cool....

Check Out These 11 True Crime Memes to Kill Some Time

There’s not enough true crime media in the world. I mean sure, there are tons, but I think I’ve already worked my way through about 98% of them, and running out would be a true tragedy. I mean, not the sort of tragedy the people experience in the actual cases, but you know what I...