19 Toys You Begged Your Parents for if You Grew up in the ’80s
The 1980s were great for many reasons: good music, cool movies, ridiculous hairstyles and parachute pants, the list goes on and on. You know what else was really cool from that decade? THE TOYS! We had all kinds of awesome gadgets and toys to play with. Let’s get all nostalgic and take a look at...
13 Normal Baby Names You Definitely Not Want to Name a Baby in 2020
Baby names are tricky; some parents want their kids to have a unique name, while others want a timeless one. But nobody can predict the future, and some names that were completely normal in the past would make for horrible names today. On AskReddit, users brainstormed some completely “normal” names that would, nonetheless, be cruel to...
16 Thrift Store Finds That Might Turn You Green With Envy
I wasn’t brought up in a family where thrift stores were much of a thing, although we did love a good garage sale on a summer morning. It wasn’t until recently that I became aware of what truly amazing (and creepy and weird) stuff people find secondhand. These people are clearly no strangers to the...
Terrifyingly, the Chainsaw Was Originally Invented to Assist with Difficult Childbirths
If you thought that c-sections were horrible surgery that take weeks to recover from, well…you’re right. But you should also count yourself lucky. In the (not as far back as you’d think) past, your doctor or midwife might have whipped out a chainsaw if an emergency arose during labor. Basically, the chainsaw is so good...
The Most (In)Famous Failed Scientific Experiment in History
Usually, scientists (and other people) assume that if they ever get famous it will be for doing something right – but in the case of the Michelson-Morley experiment, those involved are forever going to be remembered for conducting the worst (best?) failed experiment in history. Then again, if you end up changing literally everything in...
The Interesting Place Where Helium was First Discovered
Did you know that Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe? That’s right, even though we apparently are running out of it here on Earth. It was first discovered on the sun by French astronomer Pierre-Jules-Cesar Janssen in 1868 as a yellow line in the sun’s spectrum while he was observing a...
Could you Have Passed this 19th Century Harvard Entrance Exam?
In America today, Harvard is generally accepted to be the top rung of the educational ladder – but has it always been as elite and hard to access as it is now? Well, yes and no. Over a hundred plus years ago there was no drawn out application process for ANY college. In fact, high...