

What Is Universally Liked by All People? Here’s What Folks Said.

We are divided about pretty much everything today, but I still believe that we as human beings have a lot more in common than we’re led to believe. And there are some things that we can all agree on! What is universally liked by everyone? Here’s what people had to say on AskReddit. 1. Really...

12 People Talk About How They Occupied Their Time Before the Internet Existed

Sorry, younger people, but I’m here to burst your bubble. Growing up WITHOUT the Internet was actually pretty amazing. My friends and I rode our bikes, played sports, ran through the woods, and basically created our own fun every day after school and on the weekends. The only thing you had to make sure you...

What Did You Do With Your Time Before the Internet Existed? Here’s What People Said.

I remember when I first encountered the Internet when I was in high school. It was pretty primitive back then but it was still pretty mind-blowing. You mean you can actually chat with another person who lives on the other side of the planet? Whoa! It was obviously a huge game-changer for society. But how...

What’s Cool Now but Won’t Be In Five Years? Here’s What People Said.

It’s pretty wild to see how fast trends come and go. It happens in fashion, music, movies, sports, just about anything you can think of. And what’s cool today probably won’t be cool for very long… Folks on AskReddit shared what they think is cool now but won’t be in five years. 1. Can’t last...

13 People Talk About What They Think Is Cool Now but Won’t Be In Five Years

There are few things that really stay legitimately cool for longer than a few years. Do you remember HyperColor t-shirts? They were all the rage when I was young and everyone in my school wanted one and then the next year…it was like they never even existed. That’s just the way it goes, folks. What...

12 People Share What They Think We’re Definitely Not in the Golden Age Of

You hear a lot of references to “the golden age of” this or that. Of Hollywood, television, literature, whatever. But I think we can all agree that we’re definitely not in the golden age of a whole lot of things at the moment. People on AskReddit shared what they think we’re NOT in the golden...

18 People Dish On The Fictional Characters They’re Glad Aren’t Real

We love diving into novels, television shows, and movies that feature all sorts of characters, both as a protagonist and antagonist. We love to step into shoes that aren’t ours, into lifestyles we will never try, and just imagine what it might be like to live another life. That said, there are plenty of those...

15 People Discuss Huge Trends That Are Now Mostly Forgotten

I’m probably aging myself a little bit here, but I remember some of the things that were really popular among kids when I was in middle school and they’re now GONE… And mostly forgotten… I’m talking about HyperColor t-shirts, people wearing overalls with one strap hanging off to the side, and maybe the most embarrassing...