

People Talk About What Used to Be Great but Is Now Really Bad

There are a lot of bands that I loved when I was younger that are still at it that are just flat-out painful these days…sorry but it’s the truth. I give them credit for keeping it going, but jeez…it ain’t pretty. What do you think used to be great but is now really bad? AskReddit...

15 People Share the Actors They Think Were So Good in Roles That No One Will Ever Outdo Them

What roles do you think are so great by actors that they still stick out in your mind? I’ll rattle off a few that I think are outstanding to get you in the mood: Charlize Theron in Monster, Robert De Niro in Raging Bull, Sean Penn in Mystic River, Billy Bob Thornton in Sling Blade, Daniel Day-Lewis...

People Admit What Celebrities They Felt Bad for Who Got Cancelled

Famous people are getting cancelled left and right these days, huh? Actors, musicians, politicians, no one is safe. And I’m sure that you know that a ton of them did really horrible things and they deserved to be called out for them. But did some of them just get caught up in all the “cancel”...

What Is Universally Liked by All People? Here’s What Folks Said.

We are divided about pretty much everything today, but I still believe that we as human beings have a lot more in common than we’re led to believe. And there are some things that we can all agree on! What is universally liked by everyone? Here’s what people had to say on AskReddit. 1. Really...

What Did You Do With Your Time Before the Internet Existed? Here’s What People Said.

I remember when I first encountered the Internet when I was in high school. It was pretty primitive back then but it was still pretty mind-blowing. You mean you can actually chat with another person who lives on the other side of the planet? Whoa! It was obviously a huge game-changer for society. But how...

What’s Cool Now but Won’t Be In Five Years? Here’s What People Said.

It’s pretty wild to see how fast trends come and go. It happens in fashion, music, movies, sports, just about anything you can think of. And what’s cool today probably won’t be cool for very long… Folks on AskReddit shared what they think is cool now but won’t be in five years. 1. Can’t last...

14 People Suggest Topic That Be Off-Limits To Even Comedians

If there is one group of people in our society who often get a pass when it comes to discussing taboo or inappropriate topics, it’s comedians. Making people uncomfortable is part of their schtick, and often while testing material on real audiences, part of what they’re doing is seeing how far they can push an...

What Are We Definitely Not in the Golden Age Of? People Shared Their Thoughts.

I’ll tell you what I don’t think we’re in the golden age of: COMMON SENSE. I mean, can we get any dumber as a society right now? Actually, I shouldn’t say that out loud because I might have just jinxed something…sorry about that… What are we most definitely NOT in the golden age of? AskReddit...