

What Huge Trends Are Now Mostly Forgotten? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Trends come and go so fast that it can be hard to remember what was popular even a few years ago. That goes for fashion, music, lifestyles, movies, celebrities, etc. Hell, do you remember when the Macarena dance was all the rage? Yeah…weird times… What huge trends are now mostly forgotten? AskReddit users shared their...

16 Totally Surreal Pictures of Olympians

The Olympics are over for another couple of years, which is always a bit of a letdown. It’s so fun to watch these people who have trained for years finally see all of that dedication and sacrifice and hard work come to fruition. It’s also consistently mind-blowing, watching people do things that honestly don’t seem...

Is Our Culture Becoming Unhealthy Because People Identify With Labels to Justify Their Actions? Here’s What People Had to Say.

It seems like everything has a label these days. And I do mean EVERYTHING, folks. But is that a good thing? Or is it backfiring on us? Is our culture becoming unhealthy because people identify with labels to justify their actions? Let’s take a look at what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1....

Do You Still Watch Movies With Closed Captions Even Though You Can Hear Perfectly Fine? Here’s What People Said.

I have pretty strict rules about this… If I’m watching a movie or TV show that is from the UK, Ireland, Australia, etc. and the accents are thick, I’m definitely gonna watch it with subtitles so I don’t miss out on anything. Those little tidbits are important! And, of course, I watch foreign stuff with...

25 Famous People and Their Last Words

Famous last words… You’ve probably heard that phrase before, right? Well, it exists for a reason, ya know? Because a lot of famous people have said some pretty interesting things before they decided to pass on. Are you ready to learn something new today? Let’s check out some famous last words from names we think...

Check Out the Famous Last Words of These 25 People

Here’s a pro tip about life: if you know you’re about to kick the bucket, think of something really clever or interesting to say! Now, I’m not saying that’s what these famous people did, but I’d sure like to think that’s the truth. You never know, right? Take a look at these last words from...

If You Could Cancel Anything, What Would It Be? Here’s What People Had to Say.

I know what I’d like to cancel, but I just don’t have the power… INFLUENCERS! Now, I’m sure that there are some influencers on social media out there who do good things and help people out, but the whole trend and culture surrounding these folks is totally out of control and I personally believe that...

13 People Share What They’d Cancel if They Had the Power

It’s a fact of life that, at least for the time being, we live in a cancel culture. One false move and you’re bound to get in trouble from all sorts of people who hold very strong opinions about any number of topics. But I guess some things deserve to be canceled, right? What would...