17 People Come Clean About The Villains They Think Deserved To Win
Have you ever watched a movie or read a book and come away thinking that the wrong person won? That the “bad guy” was actually just mistreated, misunderstood, or cast in a light that didn’t seem fair? If so, this is the thread for you. These 17 people are rightfully indignant about the treatment of...
6 Disney Fan Theories You Have To Read To Believe
Personally, I love when people see things in films and television shows, and even books, that may or may not been put there intentionally by the creators of those things. It’s how fan theories are born, and if you come up with one that’s super compelling, other people buy into it, too. These 6 theories...
7 Disney Fan Theories That Will Have You Completely Reconsidering Your Childhood Favs
If there’s one internet rabbit hole that’s easy to fall all the way down, it’s fan theories about popular television shows and films. I love how people’s minds work, and honestly, some of them are so plausible it’s hard to believe the creators didn’t have it in mind all along. These 7 theories are about...
11 Movies People Say Were Just Way Too Confusing
There’s not much that more frustrating than going to the movies, hoping to be entertained and/or amused, enlightened, etc, and walking out two-plus hours later without one single clue what you just watched. It feels like a waste of money and time, and not only that, it can force us to wonder whether we’re just...
12 Movies That The Razzies Say Are The Worst Of All Time
We spend a lot of time talking about and debating the best movies of all time. We make lists, we try to watch them, and we parse the very best of the best with our friends and fellow movie lovers. But what about the worst of the worst? Don’t they deserve equal discussions? I think...
15 Good Movies That People Say Have Terrible Plotholes
As a writer, there’s almost nothing that frustrates me more than a plot that seem perfectly solid, characters that seem engaging, but then the latter falls straight into a hole created by the former. As a viewer, I’m more forgiving of a movie if I really, really love it – but that doesn’t mean we...
13 Movies The Razzies Say Are The Worst Of All Time
Most of the awards we see out of Hollywood consists of them patting themselves on their backs for their very best work – which is fair, but ultimately not that amusing and/or helpful for us regular people when trying to decide what to watch. That’s where the Razzies come in – and on this list,...
13 Of The Most Confusing Movies Ever
When we go to the movies, the last thing we want is to come out totally confused. Ok, maybe that’s not the worst thing that could leave a bad taste in your mouth, but I feel like it’s totally up there. We pay our money, the very least we expect is to be able to follow...