The 20 Best Black Films of the Last Decade, According to Moviegoers
There have been a lot of great black films released since 2010. So many, in fact, that it’s kind of hard to keep up with all the quality cinema. Now’s your chance to update your various queues so you can get caught up. All of these African-American films received a 60% rating or better on...
Screenshots of People Begging for Netflix Logins Are Very Entertaining
This whole phenomenon of people borrowing each other’s passwords for Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO GO, etc. is pretty crazy. It’s like a tangled web of networks and relationships that weaves through your friends, family, former boyfriends and girlfriends – and maybe even complete strangers. And when people lose that privilege, they just come crawling back,...
20 of the Best Horror Movies from This Decade
We only have a couple more months before the 2010s is in the history books and we get to start a new one. So what will be the legacy of the past ten years? No, I’m not talking about politics or big news events, I’m talking about HORROR MOVIES. People always talk about the classics...
12 Spooky Movies Kid-Friendly Enough to Watch with Your Little Ones This Halloween
Halloween and scary movies don’t have to be all about blood, guts, and gore, right? RIGHT! We need to leave some room for the kids to have a good time and get all creeped out this Halloween season, too. Well, we’re all in luck! Here are 12 movies that are spooky, but not too spooky....
You Can Spend the Night in a Mansion Inspired by ‘The Addams Family’ This Halloween
I have a feeling that a lot of my horror/spooky-obsessed friends are going to be very happy about this opportunity. An animated version of The Addams Family opened in theaters on October 11, and, in addition to a black Icee from AMC and a whole bunch of spooky food from IHOP, you now have a chance to...
Unleash Your Inner Nerd with These ‘Lord of the Rings’ Jokes
Ahhhhh, do jokes about The Lord of the Rings ever get old? The answer is NO. NEVER. All I really have to say after looking these tweets over is…NERD ALERT! 1. We all did this. 6 year old me after finding a cool rock on the ground — relax guys, its just ken (@isawken) May 5,...
16 Movie Facts You Might Find Hard to Believe
You might think you know everything about Hollywood and that nothing can surprise you (the past couple years of scandals can certainly make one feel like they’ve heard it all). But no matter how many movies you’ve seen or what level buff you are, these 16 facts are still pretty hard to believe. They’re true,...
15 Creepy Documentaries About Serial Killers That Are Worth Your Time
It can seem like there’s a never-ending flood of true crime and serial killer documentaries out there, which makes it challenging to sort through the good and the bad. Who has time for that? Well, here’s some good news: other people have already done the work for us! People from the Buzzfeed Community offered their...