Ouija Boards Are a Lie That We Tell Ourselves
If you’ve watched scary movies and/or occult-themed TV shows anytime over the last 30 years or so, there’s a good chance you’re already familiar with the Ouija board – a board printed with the alphabet, numbers 0-9, and “Yes” and “No” in two opposite corners. It’s accompanied by a small, triangular piece of wood or plastic...
People Confess the Psychological Tricks They Use the Most
Psychological tricks can help you manipulate certain situations or even what you want. We’re not saying these are the perfect solution to every problem. Some people use psychology to mistreat others, but there are times when you need to use every tool at your disposal to get a favorable result. Some Redditors decided to let...
15 Psychological Tests That Yielded Fascinating Results
Psychology experiments and tests can yield some fascinating insights into the human and animal mind. Like any other search for scientific answers, these experiments start out with a hypothesis to try to understand something. An AskReddit thread asked commenters to share whatever they knew about psychology exams and the types of results they had. Here...
When His HOA Forced Homeowner to Remove His Trampoline, He Got Sweet Revenge
HOAs are a pretty mixed bag — some really just keep to themselves and help ensure the neighborhood stays neat and tidy. Others, well, they have a tendency to overreach. And when that happens, a homeowners association can make your life a living hell. But one homeowner successfully took matters into his own hands. After...
20 People Discuss What It Would Take to Make Them 100% Happy in Life
This is a pretty hard question for any person to answer: what would it take to make you 100% happy. I think some folks out there don’t even believe that a person can be 100% happy…but I guess it all depends on the individual… Some people want big, grand things in their lives and others...
This Woman Created A Detailed Lockdown List And Routine, Trying To Bring Stability To Her Life
Some people love making lists — pros and cons, to do, groceries, etc. Others are happiest when they’re just free-floating through the day, without much structure to guide them. One Twitter user shared her (nearly) hour-by-hour list of activities for the days when she finds herself at home alone with tons of free time on...
Beat Your Insomnia With These 9 Tips for Shutting off Your Brain
You know the feeling – anxiety is creeping in from all sides and the moment you turn off the light, all of your worries and your endless to-do list and the reality that you’ll never really be caught up all come crashing in. It doesn’t matter how tired you were when you laid down or...
Handy Chart Shows How Many Minutes Kids Should Spend Doing Remote Learning
If you suddenly find yourself homeschooling your children for the first time, you might be at a total loss. Where to even begin? Don’t teachers have years of schooling and experience for this stuff? How on earth are parents supposed to catch up? The Illinois Board of Education heard your cries and decided to offer...