15 People Share Their Unexplainable Memories from Their Childhood
I have some very strange childhood memories that I’ve never been able to explain. I’ve also never been able to shake them from my mind for one reason or another, and they are weird. Do you have odd memories like that? Ones you can’t seem to get rid of from your past? AskReddit users shared...
Scientists Find Your Bones Secrete Hormones That Can Make You Panic
In “weird science” news, researchers just discovered that your bones secrete a hormone that causes a feeling of panic, bringing the phrase “bone-chilling” to a whole new level. Geneticist Gerard Karsenty works with a team of scientists at Columbia University to study osteocalcin, a hormone produced in the bones. In a recently published study, they...
It Turns out That Being Forgetful Might Be a Good Sign for Your Brain
I am forgetful. It’s gotten much worse as I age (and since my pregnancies and having kids – sleep deprivation is no joke!), so I’m quite happy to hear that maybe I haven’t become addled by middle age after all. Now, let’s just say this: the science says that forgetting small details might mean your...
You’re Worse at Picking Good Photos of Yourself Than a Stranger Is, Research Says
Taking a cute selfie may seem like a simple task, until you actually try to do it. Often, you’ll wind up taking approximately 5,000 photos before you see one that’s cute enough to post. But who deems a photo “cute enough”? Beauty is subjective, and according to one study, you’re not the best person to...
10 Weird Facts That Might Just Surprise You
These facts have two big things going for them: they’re very solid and they might just throw you for a major loop. But that’s a good thing. It’s important to keep working out that brain of yours! Let’s get started! 1. Good advice for all of us. Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 2. Stop...
6 Two-Word Phrases Everyone Should Really Stop Combining into One (Nonexistent) Word
Language is ever-changing. As time passes and cultures shift, language grows and expands to accommodate new modes of thinking and such. Consider how Old English was spoken in the pilgrim days. Wouldst thou still crave to speak as they didst way bak when? You get my point. The fact that Merriam-Webster continues to roll out...