10 Facts That May Make You Pause and Ponder
This is exactly what a good bunch of facts should do: make you sit back and think. Make you reevaluate some topics you might be familiar with and see them in a new light. Here are 10 great facts for you to chew on. Enjoy! 1. Used to taste different. Source 1 2. Are you...
Here’s How You Can Remember More of Your Dreams
I really don’t like it when I wake up in the middle of an awesome dream (usually involving explosions and me saving the day) and I can’t remember much of it. We have so many amazing dreams each night, but, for most of us anyway, we forget just exactly what was going on in our...
10 Microhabits That Could Help Improve Your Life in a Year
We all want to be better versions of ourselves. To be more productive, more positive, just better overall. Instead of trying for that one, big breakthrough that might never come, you should instead try to focus on microhabits to change your life. Here are 10 to work on. Remember, start small and these changes will...
Parents, Praise Your Kids for Working Hard – Not for Intelligence
Studies show praising children for their hard work is better than praising them for being smart. For parents, though, it’s natural to get excited when your child makes the honor roll or gets all As on a report card. You want to let everyone know how brilliant your kids are. But it seems you’re actually...
15 Psychologists Share the Moment They Realized They Were Treating a Psychopath
There are no shortage of interesting jobs in the world, but I think being a psychologist would be exceptionally so. You have unique access to the human mind, and at least some of what makes us tick, and that certainly has the possibility to be endlessly fascinating. And, if you realize the person sitting across...
The Psoas Is the Vital Muscle Where Your Body Stores Your Deepest Trauma
Trauma affects people in different ways—physically and psychologically. But did you know your body may be storing your trauma in a muscle you’ve probably never heard of? It’s that pesky psoas (SO-az) . Your body is built to react to traumatic experiences physically. Think of it as a basis for survival. Have you ever heard...
Here’s Why You Keep Attracting the Same Problems, People, and Problem People
It’s called the Law of Mirroring (or Law of Reflection), and it’s one of the 12 universal laws that attempt to explain the way humanity interacts with the world. The Law of Mirroring explains that if we are attracting certain circumstances into our lives, it’s only a reflection of how we perceive others. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwu7KcglNp5/ Ie:...
Narcissists May Lack the Fundamental Ability to Make Sound Decisions
It can seem like varying degrees of narcissism run rampant in our society these days, but as far as the clinical disorder, much still remains a mystery. There are traits typically associated with both types – grandiose and vulnerable narcissism – like impulsiveness and cognitive reflection. But while grandiose narcissists tend to have higher self-esteem...