

Unsurprisingly, There Is a Faster Way to Board a Plane

Whether you are traveling for work or vacation, flying certainly has its woes—from traffic to the airport, navigating terminals full of people, and especially trying to board the plane. Why the heck does it take so long? First, I should mention that the airlines really do want to decrease your wait time from terminal to...

You Can Tell If Someone Is Rich or Poor Just by Looking at Them

They say people can tell a lot about you from looking you in the face, but until recently, no one suspected your gross average income could be one of those things. A new study was published recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and it claims that you can tell whether someone is...

These 5 Cautionary Tales Kept Generations of Kids in Line

Raising kids is no joke, and finding ways to make them actually listen to your well-intentioned warnings and help keep themselves safe can be a tall order. Which is probably why, since time immemorial, people have been telling their kids stories meant to capture their attention and scare them into walking the straight and narrow....

10 People Share Their Creepy Road Trip Stories And Experiences

If you are a road traveler, chances are you’ve pulled off the highway to snag some food, find a bathroom, or needed a place to crash. In some cases, this can be harmless. You do your business and on your way, you go. Other times, you may have gotten the heebie-jeebies driving down a dark,...

15 People Share Things That Their Parents Don’t Know About Them

Do you keep a lot of secrets from your parents? Things that you just think they’re better off not knowing? Maybe they’re little white lies or maybe they’re big, explosive, dark secrets that would shatter their world. AskReddit users went on the record and revealed what dear old mom and dad don’t know about them....

10 Interesting Facts to Get Your Juices Flowing

If you’ve been in a bit of rut, let’s put an end to that RIGHT THIS INSTANT! You know why? And you know how? Because of this stellar fact set! It covers all kinds of topics and it will give you a big BOOST. Let’s dig into these facts. 1. Get busy, over 50 folks!...

15 Jokes About People Who Overthink Everything

Are you an overthinker? A worrywart? Anxiety-ridden even when you know there’s nothing to worry about? I put myself in that category, at least on some level. It’s a hard habit to break, but I guess it can also lead to some humor, which is a good thing. So let’s at least get some laughs...

The Bank Accidentally Put $120,000 in This Couple’s Account, so They Went on a Spending Spree

Imagine waking up to find your bank account has more money than it should. Like $120,000 more. What should you do? Report it to the bank. What should you not do? Spend it. To Montoursville couple Robert and Tiffany Williams, maybe the extra $120k in their bank account seemed like a miracle instead of an...