

12 Posts Examine the Struggles Black People with Depression Go Through

According to BetterHelp.com almost 15 million Americans suffer from depression symptoms annually. And those are just the ones reporting it. Depression can hit anyone of any age, race, or religion. It doesn’t discriminate. And yet, perhaps because their community has experienced so much trauma, the black community often doesn’t acknowledge the reality of mental health...

12 People Tell the Truth About Living with Antisocial Personality Disorder

I don’t know about you, but when I hear antisocial personality disorder, I immediately think of people like Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson. But just because atrocities have been committed by sociopathic people doesn’t mean that all people suffering from this disorder will go on to commit atrocities. To be diagnosed with this disorder, a...

10 People with Antisocial Personality Disorder Describe How Exhausting It Can Be

There is a lot of misunderstanding out there about different mental health disorders. Especially when these disorders are misrepresented in TV and movies, right? One example is Antisocial Personality Disorder. People with this diagnosis can be described as sociopaths, but not psychopaths, as some people assume. The two may share some traits, like recklessness and...

All of the Reasons That Science Says Dads Matter to Healthy Kids

Moms are great, and essential, and since they still often do the bulk of the workload when it comes to kids and homes, they tend to get most of the credit – and most of the discussing when it comes to how to parent kids into successful and healthy adults. One thing that moms really...

13 Parents Share What It’s Like to Have a Schizophrenic Son

Diagnoses of mental health disorders are never easy. It can be especially difficult for a parent to receive the diagnosis about their child. The desire to protect your child coupled with the guilt of potential heredity can be an overwhelming thing to grapple with. These 13 parents share what it’s like to hear that your...

10 Patients Tell the Truth About Bipolar Disorder

We often fear what we don’t understand. And it doesn’t help that less well known mental illnesses often become the butt of jokes or dramatized horrors in movies and TV. But at our core, we’re all just people, living our lives and struggling with our struggles. Sometimes those struggles are visible, and sometimes they’re not,...

12 People Explain What It’s Like to Receive a Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis

Getting an unexpected medical diagnosis can be hard, no matter the diagnosis. Of course with the internet and the ease of self-diagnosis, getting an actual professional diagnosis can also sometimes be a relief. It’s trickier when it comes to mental health. I’ve had friends experience tremendous relief at adult ADHD diagnoses, because finally they feel...

The 9 Types of Movie Posters and Why They Never Change

If you’ve ever seen a poster for a new movie and thought, “I’ve seen that movie before,” it might be because there’s an art, a science, and a psychology that goes into the branding of movies. Studios have found formulas that work, and there’s not much deviation. One eagle-eyed viewer first noticed a similar pattern...