

10 Random, Informative Facts for You to Ponder

There’s A LOT going on in the world these days and all of us are being pulled in a million different directions. So it’s important to step back, take some deep breaths, and plug some legitimate, 100% true facts into your brain. Facts are good. Truth is good. Enjoy! 1. I feel this deep in...

The Uberman Sleep Cycle Used By Tesla and Da Vinci

Most of us look forward to being able to get several solid hours of sack time (or fantasize about it, if you have little kids and realize it’s just not going to happen). If you’re someone who has more ideas than hours in the day (or years in your life), though, sleep can start to...

Why Do Chimpanzees Throw Their Poop? Scientists Are Researching To Find Answers

I know that I’m in the minority here, but as far as I’m concerned, monkeys in general can just keep their distance. I think it was reading ‘The Hot Zone’ that led me to this conclusion – and that’s also the reason I refer loudly to all monkeys as “Ebola Monkeys” at the zoo. But...

Have You Ever Cheated on an Exam? These 14 People Share Their Best and Worst Attempts

Have you ever cheated on an exam and got away with it? Back in the day, students had to get creative with strategies toward beating the system. You know, like writing the answers on your leg. But now with technology at our fingertips it seems easier to achieve a forbidden ‘A’. Smart phones, watches, and...

13 Fun Tweets We Found That Made Us Smile

If you’re going to do one thing for yourself this week, read these funny tweets. We think they’ll put you in a good mood and we all need a little pep in our steps, right? Right! So read, enjoy, and be merry! Good day to you! 1. This is intense. https://twitter.com/javelinarunning/status/1233071951326982147?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1233071951326982147&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpleated-jeans.com%2F2020%2F02%2F28%2F15-tweets-everyone-shouldve-read-this-week-26%2F 2. You did a...

Meet the Man Who Put His Head Inside a Particle Accelerator and Survived

If you’re like me, you might only have a vague idea of what a particle accelerator is and what it does. Like me, you probably realize that sticking your head into things you don’t know much about isn’t a good idea. Some people make mistakes. Read on. A particle accelerator, just so we’re all on...

18 People Reflect on Why Life is Pretty Awesome

Life can be a drag, amirite? Someday’s it seem out to get you. But self-reflection of all that is good can change your outlook on life. Take these 18 examples of people who share their silver lining. Because let’s face it, life’s actually awesome. 18. A second chance at life In terms of my own...

12 Employees Explain When Crazy Things Happened at Work and They Were Still Expected to Show Up

Some employers can be down right insensitive. Some managers only see the dollar signs even when staff is dealing with personal issues. It’s a shame really. There are many statistics that talk about how a safe and empathetic work environment helps productivity. If only the these companies can get out of archaic times, they’d realize...