10 Interesting Facts That You Might Not Know
Amid the hustle and bustle of our regular lives, sometimes we need to take a step back and just think. Learn some new information, ponder life, think about the universe, etc. And these facts will help you do just that. 1. That seems like a lot! 2. Don’t do it! 3. Survivors… 4. Try it!...
These 22 Google Chrome Extensions Will Save You Time and Money
Customer and user customization is key for companies looking to maintain a solid consumer base. For example, have you ordered a meal and asked to substitute the offered side (like vegetables) for french fries only for the waiter to reply, “Sorry, no substitutions.” It’s frustrating! The same thing happens with technology. User experiences are super...
Elon Musk Recruits for Tesla on Twitter and Doesn’t Even Care If You Graduated From High School
Are you looking for a career change? Do you feel held back because you don’t think you have the right educational background? Well, here’s a bit of good news that might give you some hope about the future. None other than Tesla CEO Elon Musk is hiring for his company and he said on Twitter…...
15 Funny, Random Tweets to Give You the Laughs Today
Right now, we’re all gonna take what’s officially known as a “giggle break.” Not familiar? Well, it’s where you set aside your work, your stresses and all the troubles in your life, and you look at these hilarious tweets. And then you laugh really, really, REALLY hard. Sadly, after this short respite, you must return...
This Guy ‘Breaks Up’ With Random People Over Text. Here Are the Results.
Sometimes, when you get really bored, there’s really nothing left to do besides text random people that you’re going to break up with them. Am I right or am I right? A guy did just that and luckily, he took screenshots of his interactions with complete strangers so we can all see how they reacted....
16 Random, Weird and Funny Memes for Your Viewing Pleasure
Yes, they’re random. Yes, they’re weird. And yes, they’re funny. These memes have absolutely nothing in common except for the fact that you want to see all of them. And what else do you need, really? Embrace the randomness! 1. Not what I meant. Kevin! What’s wrong with you?! 2. Take a ride on Alf!...
16 Real Facts That Sound Fake And Unbelievable
You know that old saying “you can’t make this stuff up?” Well, it turns out it’s there for a reason – real life is often more ridiculous and bizarre than we would ever accept from the storytellers in our lives. These 16 facts prove the point, because if you didn’t know they were true, you’d...
We Think These 16 Facts Are Pretty Interesting
There are so many facts out there that it can be hard to winnow down the ones that might pique people’s interest the most. That said, facts are kind of our business, so we feel pretty confident that these 16 facts will not only keep your interest, but they just might be new to you,...